Why was Galileo persecuted for his discoveries?

Why was Galileo persecuted for his discoveries?
Learn more about the life and career of Galileo.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Who was Galileo?
Born on February 15, 1564, Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, natural philosopher, and mathematician.
He grew up in Pisa and later Florence, Italy, and initially planned to study medicine, but, after entering the University of Pisa in 1581, Galileo became enamored with mathematics and decided to make that his career instead.
He began to study motion and developed theorems on centers of gravity that brought him
recognition. However, Galileo’s career took a turn in 1609, when he learned of a Dutch invention that allowed people to see faraway objects as if they were nearby. He successfully replicated the design, creating his own telescope, which allowed him to discover celestial objects such as four of Jupiter’s moons and to reveal that Saturn has an unusual shape. Galileo’s discoveries earned him renown but also some trouble. His observations supported the astronomer Copernicus’s theory that the Sun, not Earth, was the center of the solar system. In a letter to a student in 1613, Galileo highlighted the problem of interpreting certain biblical passages alongside Copernican theory. The message was obtained by the Roman Inquisition, which forbade him to hold or defend the Copernican theory. However, in 1632 Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, a book discussing Copernican theory at length. The following year, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to imprisonment for heresy. Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest in a villa outside of Arcetri, Italy. He resumed his studies on motion and continued to develop mechanical theories until his death on January 8, 1642.
recognition. However, Galileo’s career took a turn in 1609, when he learned of a Dutch invention that allowed people to see faraway objects as if they were nearby. He successfully replicated the design, creating his own telescope, which allowed him to discover celestial objects such as four of Jupiter’s moons and to reveal that Saturn has an unusual shape. Galileo’s discoveries earned him renown but also some trouble. His observations supported the astronomer Copernicus’s theory that the Sun, not Earth, was the center of the solar system. In a letter to a student in 1613, Galileo highlighted the problem of interpreting certain biblical passages alongside Copernican theory. The message was obtained by the Roman Inquisition, which forbade him to hold or defend the Copernican theory. However, in 1632 Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, a book discussing Copernican theory at length. The following year, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to imprisonment for heresy. Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest in a villa outside of Arcetri, Italy. He resumed his studies on motion and continued to develop mechanical theories until his death on January 8, 1642.