The newly emerged adult dragonfly is soft, pale, and reproductively immature. After the wings straighten and the body hardens, one of its first actions is to fly away from water and begin feeding, although a day or more may separate the first flight from the first meal. Once it has left the emergence site, the adult has few regular enemies. In flight adults are able to evade almost all predators except for extremely agile birds such as bee-eaters and falcons. Frogs are regular predators at egg-laying sites.
Adult life consists of two phases—the prereproductive, or maturation, period and the reproductive period. Maturation generally lasts about 2 weeks but can take anywhere from 1 to 60 days, depending on species, climate, and weather. When the maturation period serves to bridge dry or cold seasons, however, it can last nine months or more.
The reproductive period begins when a sexually mature adult dragonfly flies to the mating rendezvous, usually the margin of a body of water where the eggs will be laid. Males assemble there slightly earlier than females and space themselves along the shore or over the water. At the rendezvous site defense by males ranges from negligible to intense. Actively defending males establish an area of characteristic extent, much as birds defend territories. Where sites are intensely defended, an individual may return to the same perch for many successive days and expel intruders. When a male adult approaches or enters a territory occupied by another individual of the same species, the occupant acts aggressively, and an aerial agility contest often ensues; thus, territories are held by the most vigorous males. Violent confrontations between rival males sometimes result in injury or death. If a female adult approaches or enters a territory, the resident male tries to mate with her. In some species mating is preceded by a courtship display during which the female accepts or rejects the male, who tries to guide her to an egg-laying site in his territory. Usually, however, there is no evident prelude and mating occurs immediately.
The mating posture is unique among insects. With the claspers at the end of his abdomen, the male grasps the top of the female’s head or prothorax, thus forming the tandem position. The male’s movements then induce her to bring the tip of her abdomen forward so that it meets his accessory sex organs at the base of his abdomen, where he has deposited the sperm. This so-called “wheel” position enables the female to receive her partner’s sperm. The wheel can be formed in flight, and, although mated adults usually alight promptly, many odonates are able to fly together this way—a remarkable and elegant sight. The couple remains joined in this way for a few seconds to several hours, depending on the species. Little of this time, however, is spent actually transferring sperm. Instead, the male is mainly occupied with using his accessory sex organs to displace sperm that may have been deposited in the female by previous mates.
After mating, the female usually lays eggs immediately. She may do so alone, or her partner may be still attached in tandem or hovering nearby, darting at other males that approach. Such guarding is extremely important to the male, as the one that mates last with the female is the one whose sperm first fertilizes the eggs laid during the next day or so. Eggs are laid in several ways. Species with a well-formed ovipositor place them either within or on plant tissue, above or in the water. Some climb beneath the water’s surface to lay and may remain submerged for an hour or more. Species without an ovipositor dip the abdomen in water (sometimes while in flight) and wash the eggs off or stick them onto leaves of plants close to the water’s surface. Others drop them through the air onto the water’s surface. Eggs that are laid in running water usually possess adhesive or tangling devices that prevent their being swept downstream.