- Related Topics:
- pigeon
- domestic pigeon
- sandgrouse
- dove
- Raphidae
By the time they appear in the fossil record, the Columbiformes are already so well differentiated that their phylogenetic relations cannot be determined with certainty. The sandgrouse and pigeons resemble each other anatomically, but this may have resulted from convergence toward a similar mode of life. The earliest known pigeon is Gerandia calcaria from the early Miocene of France (about 23 million years ago), although the suborder probably arose in the Australasian region, where the greatest variety of modern columbiforms is found.
The dodoes and solitaires were highly specialized island forms that doubtless arose in the Mascarene Islands and were peculiar to those islands. Three species are known: the dodo (Raphus cucullatus) on Mauritius, the Réunion solitaire (R. solitarius), and the Rodrigues solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria). The dodoes and solitaires became extinct in about 1681, 1746, and 1791 respectively, as they fell easy prey to marauding sailors and could not compete with pigs and other introduced livestock. They were pigeonlike birds that had lost the power of flight in the safety of their predator-free island existence and had become large (as big as a turkey), heavily built birds with strong bills and feet. The wings had become rudimentary, and the sternum possessed only a small keel.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The most important features distinguishing the Columbiformes are the structure of the skull, sternum, and furculum. The several species have close thick feathers set loosely in the skin, lack the fifth secondary feather of the wing, and possess a crop. The structure of the bill and nostrils, the arrangement of the sternotracheal musculature, and the presence or absence of intestinal ceca distinguish the suborders. Behavioral characteristics are of doubtful validity in relating suborder relationships because the similarities may have arisen by convergence. Blood antigen relationships may be considered more reliable.
Annotated classification
- Order Columbiformes
- Birds in which the palatine processes of the maxillae do not meet in the midline (schizognathous) and with vomer absent or vestigial. Palatine and pterygoid bones articulate with basisphenoid rostrum. Basipterygoid processes present, except in family Raphidae. Sternum with large lateral and smaller inner incisions, these often fused to fenestrae. Furculum U-shaped and with hypocleideum little or not developed. Nares separated by a complete internasal septum. Hypotarsus complex. Plumage, close and thick, feathers loosely set in skin. 5th secondary quill absent (diastataxic). Oil gland naked or absent. Well-developed crop present.
- Family Columbidae (pigeons and doves)
- Intestinal ceca absent or minute, syrinx with sterno-tracheal muscles asymmetrical. Young altricial (helpless) and hatched blind; without real down. Basal part of bill soft and covered with swollen skin that envelops the slitlike nostrils as a cap (operculum). External nasal opening into skull tapers behind into a narrow cleft running back into nasal bone (schizorhinal); 14–15 cervical vertebrae. 11 primary feathers, the outermost much reduced. Usually 12–14, and exceptionally 16–20, retrices. Crop bilobed. Nesting in tree holes or caves or building flimsy platform of sticks on trees or ground. Eggs usually white, except brown or cream in some quail doves. 2 eggs in most clutches, but some genera produce only 1. Length 15–80 cm (about 6–30 inches); weight 45–4000 grams (0.1–9 pounds). Wide range of colours, from grays and browns to striking orange, green, or purple. Worldwide except subpolar regions and some oceanic islands. Approximately 42 genera, 316 species.
- Family Raphidae (dodoes and solitaires)
- Extinct but with no fossil record. Flightless, with much reduced furculum and wing, fused coracoid and scapula and no basipterygoid processes. Large; weight probably exceeded 10 kg (22 pounds). Limited to Mascarene Islands. 3 species.
Critical appraisal
The subordinal limits of the Columbiformes seem to be well defined. The pigeons and doves make up a natural group, and early 21st-century DNA analysis supports the close relationship of dodoes and solitaires to pigeons and doves. On anatomical grounds, sandgrouse resemble pigeons and were therefore placed in the same order for a time. After years of debate, however, DNA studies confirmed that the sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) should be placed in its own order (Pteroclidiformes); their resemblances to pigeons have been attributed to convergent evolution.
Ronald K. Murton