- Related Topics:
- malacostracan
- branchiopod
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- Remipedia
Reproduction and life cycles
The sexes are normally, but not always, separate in crustaceans. Most individual barnacles have both male and female reproductive organs (simultaneous hermaphroditism), and in some groups the males, when present, are much smaller than the hermaphrodites. These “dwarf” males attach themselves to the interior of the mantle cavity of the larger individuals and fertilize their eggs. Some of the members of the order Notostraca (tadpole shrimps) are also hermaphrodites; their ovaries contain scattered sperm-producing lobes among the developing eggs. A change of sex during the life of an individual is a regular feature in some shrimps. In Pandalus montagui, of the order Decapoda, for example, some individuals begin life as males but change into functional females after about 13 months. Isopods of the genus Rhyscotoides show a similar change from male to female as they grow older.
Characteristic differences in structure or behaviour between the sexes are widespread in the Crustacea and can be extreme; the males of some groups may be so small that they are difficult to find on the much larger female. This is especially true in some of the parasitic copepods. In Gonophysema gullmarensis the male is found in a small pouch in the female genital tract. In many of the more advanced decapods, such as crabs and lobsters, however, the males are larger than the females and may have much larger pincers. Another example of sexual dimorphism is the possession by the male of clasping organs, which are used to hold the female during mating. Almost any appendage can be found modified for this purpose. Male appendages also can be modified to aid directly in transferring sperm to the female. Frequently the sperm are enclosed in a case, or spermatophore. The first and second abdominal appendages of male decapods are used to transfer spermatophores, as are the highly modified fifth legs of male copepods of the order Calanoida. These copepods can accurately place spermatophores near the openings of the female ducts. The contents of the spermatophores are extruded by a swelling of special sperm, which force out the sperm that soon fertilize the eggs.
Normal sexual reproduction involves the fusion of a sperm with an egg, but some crustaceans are parthenogenetic; that is, they produce eggs that develop without being fertilized by a sperm. Many branchiopods can do this, as can some ostracods and some isopods.
Females of some crustacean species release their eggs freely into the water—for example, certain copepods, such as Calanus, and some members of the malacostracan orders Bathynellacea, Anaspidacea, and Euphausiacea. Some euphausiids and Nebalia (of the malacostracan order Leptostraca) carry their eggs between the thoracic limbs. Most decapods carry their eggs attached to the abdominal appendages; special egg-containing setae secrete a cement that flows over the eggs and binds them to the setae. Most of the superorder Peracarida, some isopods, such as Sphaeroma, many branchiopods, the Notostraca, and the order Anostraca have a brood pouch on or behind the limbs that is often formed by the carapace. Those free-living copepods that do not cast their eggs freely into the water carry them in one or two thin-walled sacs suspended from the front of the abdomen. Some parasitic copepods produce up to six or eight egg sacs, while others produce the eggs in long strings, which may coil into a tangled mass.
The most widespread and typical crustacean larva to emerge from the egg is called a nauplius. The main features of a nauplius are a simple, unsegmented body, three pairs of appendages (antennules, antennae, and mandibles), and a single, simple, “naupliar” eye. Nauplius larvae are found in the life cycles of cirripedes, ostracods, branchiopods, copepods, euphausiids, the decapod peneid prawns, and members of the subclass Thecostraca. Many of the other groups pass through embryonic stages like the nauplius, or they have larvae with some similarities to the nauplius.
The most primitive type of development from a nauplius is found in the anostracan fairy shrimps, where the young animal gradually adds new segments and appendages as it undergoes a long series of molts. In the free-living copepods the nauplius goes through five molts and then changes into a copepodid, which resembles the adult except that it does not have a full complement of limbs. These limbs gradually develop over another five molts; once the adult form is reached, the copepod does not molt again. The cirripede (barnacle) nauplius molts several times and then metamorphoses into a cyprid, which has a two-part carapace enclosing six pairs of trunk limbs that are used for swimming. The cyprid eventually attaches to a solid object and then metamorphoses into an adult. During this process, the cyprid’s swimming legs become the filtering appendages of the adult. Larval ostracods are basically nauplii with a bivalved carapace. The euphausiid nauplius is followed by a complex series of shrimplike larvae.
The nauplius of the peneid prawns is followed by a sequence of larval forms characterized by their methods of locomotion: the advanced nauplius still swims with its antennae, the protozoea also uses its antennae but has developed a small carapace and some thoracic limbs, the zoea uses its thoracic limbs for swimming, and the postlarval stages use the abdominal appendages. Most decapods omit the nauplius stage and hatch as zoeae, which may be heavily ornamented with spines. The crab zoea eventually changes into a megalops, which resembles a small crab with its tail extended behind it.
Some crustaceans bypass the free-living larval stages, and the young emerging from the eggs resemble the adults. This occurs within the branchiopod order Anomopoda, as in Daphnia, in most isopods and amphipods, and in some decapods, including freshwater crabs and crayfish and some deep-sea and Arctic groups.
Crustaceans play many roles in aquatic ecosystems. The planktonic forms—such as the copepod Calanus and the krill Euphausia—graze on the microscopic plants floating in the sea and in turn are eaten by fishes, seabirds, and whales. Benthic (bottom-dwelling) crustaceans are a food source for fish, and some whales feed extensively on benthic amphipods. Crabs are important predators, and the continuing struggle between them and their prey prompts the evolution of newer adaptations: the massive and often highly ornamented shells of many marine mollusks are thought to be a protective response to the predatory activities of crabs; in turn the crabs develop larger and more powerful pincers.
Crustaceans also can be parasites, and some copepod species in particular parasitize other aquatic animals ranging from whales to sea anemones. The larger crustaceans are often parasitized by smaller crustaceans; for example, there are parasitic isopods that dwell in the gill chambers of decapod prawns. Freshwater crustaceans can serve as intermediate hosts for the lung fluke, Paragonimus (a flatworm, phylum Platyhelminthes).
Form and function of external features
General features
Although crustaceans exhibit a great variety of forms, the basic crustacean body consists of a number of segments, or somites. These somites sometimes are fused to form rigid areas and sometimes are free, linked to each other by flexible areas that allow some movement. Each somite has the potential for bearing a pair of appendages, although in various crustacean groups appendages are missing from certain somites. The appendages are also jointed with flexible articulations.
At the front, or anterior end, of the body there is an unsegmented, presegmental region called the acron. In most crustaceans at least four somites fuse with the acron to form the head. At the posterior end of the body there is another unsegmented region, the telson, that may bear two processes, or rami, which together form the furca. These two processes at the tail end of the body vary greatly in form; in many crustaceans they are short, but in some they may be as long as the rest of the body. The Crustacea as a whole shows great variation in the number of somites and the amount of fusion that has taken place. In the class Malacostraca, which includes the decapods, there is a consistent body plan: the trunk (which follows the head) is divided into two distinct regions, an anterior thorax of eight somites and a posterior abdomen of seven somites, although as a rule only six are evident in the adult. The reproductive ducts of male malacostracans typically open on the last thoracic somite, and the female reproductive ducts open on the sixth thoracic segment.
The carapace is a widespread crustacean feature, arising during development as a fold from the last somite at the back of the head. It may form a broad fold extending toward the rear over the back, or dorsal surface, of the trunk, as in the notostracan tadpole shrimps, but it often encloses the entire trunk, including limbs and gills. In the clam shrimps (orders Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata) and the ostracods, the carapace is split into two “valves,” giving the animals a clamlike appearance. In many decapods the carapace projects forward to form a rostrum, which is often sharply pointed and toothed. The carapace is absent from the anostracans, amphipods, isopods, and members of the superorder Syncarida. Barnacles attach permanently to hard surfaces and use their highly modified carapace to form a mantle. The mantle secretes the barnacle’s characteristic calcium carbonate shell plates.
There is great diversity among crustacean appendages, but it is thought that all the different types have been derived either from the multibranched (multiramous) limb of the class Cephalocarida or from the double-branched (biramous) limb of the class Remipedia. A biramous limb typically has a basal part, or protopodite, bearing two branches, an inner endopodite and an outer exopodite. The protopodite can vary greatly in its development and may have additional lobes on both its inner and outer margin, called, respectively, endites and exites. The walking legs of many malacostracans have become uniramous by failing to develop the exopodite.
Variations in appendage sequence and morphology largely define different crustacean groups. If one starts at the head of a crustacean and works toward the rear, the following appendages are generally encountered: antennae 1, or antennules; antennae 2, or antennae proper; mandibles; maxillae 1, or maxillulae; maxillae 2, or maxillae proper; and a variable number of trunk limbs. The trunk limbs all may be similar, as in the anostracans and the classes Cephalocarida and Remipedia, or they may be differentiated into distinct groups. In the copepods the first pair of trunk limbs is used for food collection. These limbs are called maxillipeds. In the decapods there are three sets of paired maxillipeds. In the copepods the maxillipeds are followed by four pairs of swimming legs; a fifth pair is sometimes highly modified for reproductive purposes and is sometimes reduced to a mere vestige. Behind the decapod maxillipeds there are five pairs of thoracic limbs, a variable number of which may bear pincers, or chelae. In crabs there is a single obvious pair of chelae, but in some of the prawns there may be up to three pairs of less conspicuous pincers. The decapod abdomen normally bears six pairs of biramous appendages, which are used in swimming in many shrimps and prawns, while in the crabs and crayfish the first two pairs in the male are modified to help in sperm transfer during mating. The last pair of abdominal limbs is frequently different from the others and is called the uropods. In shrimps and lobsters the uropods together with the telson form a tail fan.
The appendages change both their form and their function during the life cycles of most crustaceans. In most adults the antennules and antennae are sensory organs, but in the nauplius larva the antennae often are used for both swimming and feeding. Processes at the base of the antennae can help the mandibles push food into the mouth. The mandibles of a nauplius have two branches with a chewing or compressing lobe at the base; they also may be used for swimming. In the adult the mandible loses one of the branches, sometimes retaining the other as a palp, and the base can develop into a powerful jaw. An alternative development is found in some of the blood-sucking parasites, in which the mandibles form needlelike stylets for piercing their hosts.
The outer covering of crustaceans is variously called the integument, cuticle, or exoskeleton. It protects the body and provides attachment sites for muscles. The thickness of the cuticle can vary from a thin, flexible membrane, as in some parasitic copepods, to a massive rigid shell, as in crabs. The cuticle is secreted by a single layer of cells called the epidermis. The outermost layer, or epicuticle, lacks the chitin present in the thicker innermost layers, or procuticle. The procuticle is made up of layers of chitin fibres intermeshed with proteins and, in many species, with calcium salts.
A typical crustacean grows in a series of stages, or molts. The hard exoskeleton prevents any increase in size except immediately after molting. The sequence of events during molting can be divided into four main stages: (1) Proecdysis, or premolt, is the period during which calcium is resorbed from the old exoskeleton into the blood. The epidermis separates from the old exoskeleton, new setae form, and a new exoskeleton is secreted. (2) Ecdysis, or the actual shedding of the old exoskeleton, takes place when the old exoskeleton splits along preformed lines. In the lobster it splits between the carapace and the abdomen, and the body is withdrawn through the hole, leaving the old exoskeleton almost intact. In isopods the exoskeleton is cast in two parts; the front portion may be cast several days after the hind part. Immediately after ecdysis the crustacean swells from a rapid intake of water. (3) Metecdysis, or postmolt, is the stage in which the soft cuticle gradually hardens and becomes calcified. At the end of this stage the cuticle is complete. (4) Intermolt is a period of variable duration, from a few days in small forms to a year or more in some of the large forms. Some crustaceans, after passing through a series of molts, reach a stage where they do not molt again; this is called a terminal anecdysis. The molting process is under hormonal control.