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The alimentary canal is highly specialized in many kinds of mammals. In general, specializations of the gut accompany herbivorous habits. The intestines of herbivores are typically elongate, and the stomach may also be specialized. Subdivision of the gut allows areas of differing physiological environments for the activities of different sorts of enzymes and symbiotic bacteria, which aid the animal by breaking down certain compounds that are otherwise undigestible. In ruminant artiodactyls, such as antelopes, deer, and cattle, the stomach has up to four chambers, each with a particular function in the processing of vegetable material. A cecum is common in many herbivores. The cecum is a blind sac at the far end of the small intestine where complex compounds such as cellulose are acted upon by symbiotic bacteria. The vermiform appendix is a diverticulum of the cecum. The appendix is rich in lymphoid tissue and in many mammals is concerned with defense against toxic bacterial products.
Hares and rabbits, the sewellel, or “mountain beaver” (Aplodontia rufa), and some insectivores exhibit a phenomenon of reingestion called coprophagy, in which at intervals specialized fecal pellets are produced. These pellets are eaten and passed through the alimentary canal a second time. Where known to be present, this pattern seems to be obligatory. Reingestion primarily occurs in members of the shrew, rodent, and rabbit groups; however, the behaviour has been observed to a lesser degree in other groups, including canines and pikas. The process appears to allow the animal to absorb in the upper gut vitamins produced by the microflora of the lower gut but not absorbable there.
Excretory system
The mammalian kidney is constructed of a large number of functional units called nephrons. Each nephron consists of a distal tubule, a medial section termed the loop of Henle, a proximal tubule, and a renal corpuscle. The renal corpuscle is a knot of capillaries (glomerulus) surrounded by a sheath (Bowman’s capsule). The renal corpuscle is a pressure filter, relying on blood pressure to remove water, ions, and small organic molecules from the blood. Some of the material removed is waste, but some is of value to the organism. The filtrate is sorted by the tubules, and water and needed solutes are resorbed. Resorption is both passive (osmotic) and active (based on ion transport systems). The distal convoluted tubules drain into collecting tubules, which in turn empty into the calyces, or branches, of the renal pelvis, the expanded end of the ureter. The pressure-pump nephron of mammals is so efficient that the renal portal system of lower vertebrates has been completely lost. Mammalian kidneys show considerable variety in structure, relative to the environmental demands on a given species. In particular, desert rodents have long loops of Henle and are able to resorb much water and to excrete a highly concentrated urine. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism in mammals, and excretion is therefore called ureotelic.
Reproductive system
The male tract
The testes of mammals descend from the abdominal cavity to lie in a compartmented pouch termed the scrotum. In some species the testes are permanently scrotal, and the scrotum is sealed off from the general abdominal cavity. In other species the testes migrate to the scrotum only during the breeding season. It is thought that the temperature of the abdominal cavity is too high to allow spermatogenesis; the scrotum allows cooling of the testes.
The transport of spermatozoa is comparable to that in reptiles, relying on ducts derived from urinary ducts of earlier vertebrates. Mammalian specialities are the bulbourethral (or Cowper’s) glands, the prostate gland, and the seminal vesicle or vesicular gland. Each of these glands adds secretions to the spermatozoa to form semen, which passes from the body via a canal (urethra) in the highly vascular, erectile penis. The tip of the penis, the glans, may have a complex morphology and has been used as a taxonomic character in some groups. The penis may be retracted into a sheath along the abdomen or may be pendulous, as in bats and many primates.
The female tract
The structure of the female reproductive tract is variable. Four types of uterus are generally recognized among placentals, based on the relationship of the uterine horns (branches). A duplex uterus characterizes rodents and rabbits; the uterine horns are completely separated and have separate cervices opening into the vagina. Carnivores have a bipartite uterus, in which the horns are largely separate but enter the vagina by a single cervix. In the bicornate uterus, typical of many ungulates, the horns are distinct for less than half their length; the lower part of the uterus is a common chamber, the body. Higher primates have a simplex uterus in which there is no separation between the horns and thus a single chamber.
The female reproductive tract of marsupials is termed didelphous; the vagina is paired, as are oviducts and uteri. In primitive marsupials there are paired vaginae lateral to the ureters. In more advanced groups, such as kangaroos, the lateral vaginae persist and conduct the migration of spermatozoa, but a medial “pseudovagina” functions as the birth canal.
Monotremes have paired uteri and oviducts, which empty into a urogenital sinus (cavity) as fluid wastes do. The sinus passes into the cloaca, a common receptacle for reproductive and excretory products.