- Also called:
- ocean sunfish or headfish
mola, any of six species of oceanic fishes of the family Molidae. Molas have a distinctive bullet-shaped appearance, with a short body that ends abruptly in a thick rudderlike structure called a clavus just behind the tall triangular dorsal and anal fins. The development of the clavus results from the folding of the mola’s back fin into its body as the fish grows. The fishes are also flattened from side to side and have tough skin, a small mouth, and fused beaklike teeth. Molas are the largest of the bony fishes, and they are separated into three genera: Mola, Masturus, and Ranzania.
The mola (M. mola) is an enormous gray or brownish species reaching a maximum length and weight of about 3.3 metres (10.9 feet) and 1,900 kg (4,000 pounds). More or less oval or circular in shape, it takes its name from the millstone, or mola, to which it was likened by Swedish botanist and taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus. An inhabitant of temperate and tropical regions throughout the world, it is usually found in the open sea, often at the surface. The southern sunfish (M. ramsayi) is slightly smaller, measuring about 3 metres (9.9 feet), and is native to the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The hoodwinker sunfish (M. tecta) was discovered in 2017, the first new sunfish to be found in more than 130 years, and is thought to be widely distributed in the temperate oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. The hoodwinker sunfish is much smaller than the other two members of the genus, growing to a maximum of 2.42 metres (7.9 feet) long. The largest member of the genus, M. alexandrini, is the most massive bony fish known; the largest specimens measure 3.32 metres (10.9 feet) in length and can weigh 2,300 kg (roughly 2.5 tons).
The other varieties of mola in other genera are similarly cut short behind the dorsal and anal fins. The sharptail mola (Masturus lanceolatus) is also very large; its maximum length is 3.37 metres (11.1 feet). However, the slender mola (Ranzania laevis) is smaller, measuring no more than 1 metre (39.3 inches) long.