Critical appraisal
- Also called:
- mail-cheeked fish
- Related Topics:
- sculpin
- Cottoidei
- Scorpaenoidei
- Hexagrammoidei
- Platycephaloidei
The classification of the scorpaeniforms cannot be said to have approached a final synthesis. It has been suggested that they are an aggregation of three distinct evolutionary lines. The two dominant elements belong to the scorpaenid and the cottid-hexagrammid lines, whereas the third, and minor, element is the anoplopomatid line. On the other hand, some authorities have pointed out that all members of the order, as recognized here, share a distinctive type of caudal (tail) skeleton that may differentiate the order from other bony fishes. Nevertheless, the systematic positions of some groups remain in doubt. Most ichthyologists place the flying gurnards (Dactylopteridae) in the order Scorpaeniformes, whereas others place them in order Dactylopteriformes, and indeed the morphological and biological resemblance of the flying gurnards to members of the Triglidae suggests that such placement best expresses their phyletic affinities. Scorpaeniformes is clearly related to Perciformes within superorder Acanthopterygii.
Alwyne Wheeler Lynne R. Parenti