yellow-eyed penguin
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- Megadyptes
yellow-eyed penguin, (Megadyptes antipodes), the only species of penguin (order Sphenisciformes) belonging to the genus Megadyptes and the only one characterized by pale yellow eyes, yellow eyebands, and yellow feathers that cover the upper part of the head. The geographic range of the species is limited to Stewart Island, the Auckland Islands, Campbell Island, and the southeastern coast of South Island in New Zealand.
Physical features
Adult yellow-eyed penguins average about 60 cm (about 24 inches) in length and weigh from 5 to 6 kg (roughly 11 to 13 pounds), the males being slightly taller and heavier than the females. Both sexes closely resemble one another in appearance, possessing gray plumage on their back and white plumage on their underside. The irises are coloured gray at the beginning of the juvenile stage, but they change to yellow before full adult plumage is developed. Chicks are covered with dark brown downy feathers.
Predators and prey
Yellow-eyed penguins prefer squid and fish, especially red cod (Pseudophycis bachus) and blue cod (Parapercis colias), bristling, and silversides (smelt). Individual yellow-eyed penguins routinely dive as deep as 130 metres (about 425 feet) beneath the ocean’s surface to capture prey. In the ocean, adults and juveniles are killed and eaten by sharks and Hooker’s sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri). On land, eggs and members of all age classes are preyed upon by introduced predators, such as ermines (Mustela erminea), ferrets (M. furo), and domesticated and feral dogs and cats.

Nesting and breeding
The reproductive cycle of the yellow-eyed penguin lasts from August to March—one of the longest breeding seasons of all penguin species. It begins in mid-August when the adults return to their nests, which are located in patches of forest and scrub near the shoreline. Unlike other species that breed in dense colonies, a breeding pair of yellow-eyed penguins builds its nest of grass and twigs or excavates a burrow out of sight of other breeding pairs. Nests are usually erected against solid structures, such as rocks and trees. Most breeding pairs are monogamous and return to the nest they used during the previous year.
Twelve days after copulation, two eggs of equal size are laid in the burrow or nest. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs, and incubation continues until the eggs hatch some 39–51 days later. For the first six weeks of life, the chicks are guarded by either their mother or their father. While one parent remains near the nest, the other forages in the sea and feeds the chicks upon its return to the nest. Unlike other penguin species, most yellow-eyed chicks do not form “crèches” (groups) with other members of their cohort; chicks on Campbell Island have been observed in small crèches numbering three to seven individuals, however.
Between late February and early March, some 100 days after they hatch, young yellow-eyed penguins leave the nest to live on their own. Most females reach sexual maturity by age two or three, whereas most males reach sexual maturity by age three to five. Many individuals live to be 20 years old, and some have lived as long as 24 years.
Conservation status
Ornithologists and ecologists contend that the worldwide population has declined dramatically since 1960. By 2010 the species was made up of only 4,000–4,800 adults, which included approximately 1,500 breeding pairs. The species has been listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as endangered since 2000 on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The IUCN justifies the classification by citing a number of threats that contributed to the species’s decline. Each year, many yellow-eyed penguins die from entanglement in fishing nets, predation by introduced mammals, and infections by blood parasites and avian malaria. Periodically, the populations of some colonies have fallen from food shortages resulting from cyclical changes in seawater temperature and diphtheritic stomatitis (a disease caused by bacteria that produces mouth lesions in chicks that hinder swallowing and respiration). In addition, the species is limited to small habitat patches, many of which have declined in quality as a result of residential development and other human activities. However, some studies note that the combined effects of penguin awareness campaigns (such as the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust), barriers that prevent humans from disturbing the nests, aggressive predator trapping, and habitat restoration may have arrested the decline in habitat quality, which may lead to increases in population over time.