Japanese art: Media
visual arts
How Beauty Looking Back reflects Japanese history
Hishikawa Moronobu's Beauty Looking Back exemplifies the changing lifestyles,...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Hokusai: The Breaking Wave off Kanagawa
The Breaking Wave off Kanagawa, woodblock colour print by Hokusai, from...
Pottery from the Jōmon period
Jōmon earthenware vessel, Japan, c. 10,500–300 bce;...
Photograph by mochichick. Honolulu Academy of Arts, gift of Kenneth G. Kingrey, in memory of Miss Alyce Hoogs, 1976 (4434.1)
Dōtaku, Yayoi period (c. 300 bce–c....
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Rogers Fund, 1918, 18.68, www.metmuseum.org
haniwa horse head
Haniwa horse head, low-fired earthenware pottery reassembled from fragments,...
Photograph by Katie Chao. Brooklyn Museum, New York, gift of Isamu Noguchi, 61.233
Kuratsukuri Tori
Daibutsu ("Great Buddha") depicting Shaka Nyorai (the Buddha), by Kuratsukuri Tori,...
Chris 73
Bodhisattva, detail from the Amida Triad, one of a series of frescoes in the main...
Horyu-ji Museum, Nara, Japan, photograph, Asuka-en
Tōdai Temple: Great Buddha Hall
The Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsu-den) of the Tōdai Temple, Nara, Japan.
© Shawn McCullars
Shūkongōjin, painted clay, 733; in the Hekkedō (Sangatsudō), Tōdai Temple, Nara,...
Sakamoto Photo Laboratory, Tokyo
Kichijōten, painting on hemp cloth, 8th century; in the Yakushi Temple,...
Sakamoto Photo Laboratory, Tokyo
Phoenix Hall of Byodo Temple
Phoenix Hall of Byodo Temple, Uji, Japan; the temple was created by Fujiwara Yorimichi.
Jōchō: Amida Myorai
Amida Myorai, wood covered with gold leaf on a polychrome wood lotus pedestal, by...
Sakamoto Photo Laboratory, Tokyo
The Tale of Genji
Scroll painting depicting a funeral ceremony in a scene from The Tale of Genji.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1912, (12.134.11), www. metmuseum.org
Sesshū: View of Amanohashidate
View of Amanohashidate, detail of an ink painting in the suiboku-ga...
Courtesy of the Kyoto National Museum
Sesshū: Landscape of Four Seasons
Landscape of Four Seasons, ink and light color on paper, detail of a painting...
Bōfu Mori Hōkō-kai, Yamaguchi, Japan
Cypress Trees
Cypress Trees, eight-panel folding screen, ink, colour, and gold leaf on...
Benrido Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle, Hyōgo prefecture, Japan, built in the 14th century by the Akamatsu...
Katsum Tomita-Orion Press—SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Xavier and the Western Princes on Horseback
Xavier and the Western Princes on Horseback, two-panel detail of a four-panel...
Courtesy of the Kobe City Museum
Ogata Kōrin: Cranes, Pines, and Bamboo
Cranes, Pines, and Bamboo, pair of folding screens (ink and light colour...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Harry G. C. Packard Collection of Asian Art, Gift of Harry G. C. Packard, and Purchase, Fletcher, Rogers, Harris Brisbane Dick, and Louis V. Bell Funds, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, and The Annenberg Fund Inc. Gift, 1975 (accession no. 1975.268.62.63); www.metmuseum.org
The Insistent Lover
The Insistent Lover, wood-block print by Sugimura Jihei, c. 1680....
The Art Institute of Chicago, Clarence Buckingham Collection, reference no. 1935.406 (CC0)
Andō Hiroshige: Japan Bridge
Japan Bridge, colour woodblock print by Andō Hiroshige, from the series...
Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Cottle, 79.253.10
Woman Combing Her Hair
Woman Combing Her Hair, wood-block print by Hashiguchi Goyō, 1920; 44.8...
The Art Institute of Chicago, Clarence Buckingham Collection, reference no. 1928.496 (CC0)
Four-case inro with a mountain torrent design done in gold fundamiji on...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
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