The secular dances of native North America, such as the Oklahoma dances, the round and war dances of Plains tribes, and the stomps of Southeastern tribes all have spread from coast to coast in modern times. The most copious and reliable materials on these and other aboriginal dances are strewn through the works of anthropologists, folklorists, and a few musicians. General descriptions are often incorporated into anthropological studies and into notes on earlier observations by colonists, missionaries, and 19th-century scholars. Mesoamerican dances have not been studied thoroughly. Essential to all such studies is an examination of the arts in their cultural context. It is equally important to recognize the dance as an expressive art, to learn and analyze the movements, and to present them in dance notation alongside musical scores. Such presentation facilitates intertribal and intercontinental comparisons. The materials must stem from fieldwork, but they can be supplemented by the many motion pictures in college archives and museums and in repositories such as the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the American Philosophical Society.
Gertrude Prokosch Kurath The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica