Nielsen ratings
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Nielsen ratings, national ratings of the popularity of American television shows. The system was developed by A.C. Nielsen in 1950, and by the early 21st century it sampled television viewing in about 25,000 homes. A meter attached to each television set records the channel being watched and sends the data to a computer centre; individual buttons record which person in each household is watching a given program. Separate surveys are done for many large media market areas. The ratings project each program’s total audience; for example, a rating of 20 denotes that 20 percent of American households tuned in to a particular program. Commercial television networks use the ratings, in part, to set advertising rates for each program as well as to determine which programs to continue or to cancel. However, with the popularization of digital video recorders and streaming media services in the 21st century, the import of Nielsen ratings in the decision making of television executives was significantly lessened. Nielsen began measuring results from video recording devices in 2005. In 2017 the company announced that it would add some subscription video on demand audiences to its measurements.