- Related Topics:
- tragedy
- comedy
- Passion play
- melodrama
- chronicle play
Dramatic literature has a remarkable facility in bringing together elements from other performing and nonperforming arts: design and mime, dance and music, poetry and narrative. It may be that the dramatic impulse itself, the desire to recreate a picture of life for others through impersonation, is at the root of all the arts. Certainly, the performing arts continually have need of dramatic literature to support them. A common way of describing an opera, for example, is to say that it is a play set to music. In Wagner the music is continuous; in Verdi the music is broken into songs; in Mozart the songs are separated by recitative, a mixture of speech and song; while operettas and musical comedy consist of speech that breaks into song from time to time. All forms of opera, however, essentially dramatize a plot, even if the plot must be simplified on the operatic stage. This is because, in opera, musical conventions dominate the dramatic conventions, and the spectator who finds that the music spoils the play, or who finds that the play spoils the music, is one who has not accepted the special conventions of opera. Music is drama’s natural sister; proof may be seen in the early religious music-drama of the Dionysiac festivals of Greece and the mystères of 14th-century France, as well as in the remarkable development of opera in 17th-century Italy spreading to the rest of the world. The librettist who writes the text of an opera, however, must usually subserve the composer, unless he is able to embellish his play with popular lyrics, as John Gay did in The Beggar’s Opera, or to work in exceptionally close collaboration with the composer, as Brecht did with Kurt Weill for his Die Dreigroschenoper (1928; The Threepenny Opera).
Dance, with its modern, sophisticated forms of ballet, has also been traditionally associated with dramatic representation and has similarly changed its purpose from religious to secular. In ballet, the music is usually central, and the performance is conceived visually and aurally; hence, the writer does not play a dominant role. The scenario is prepared for dance and mime by the choreographer. Irish writer Samuel Beckett, trying to reduce his dramatic statement to the barest essentials, “composed” two mimes titled Act Without Words I and II (1957 and 1966), but this was exceptional.
In motion pictures, the script writer has a more important but still not dominant role. He usually provides a loose outline of dialogue, business, and camera work on which the director, his cameramen, and the cutting editor build the finished product. The director is usually the final artistic authority and the central creative mind in the process, and words are usually subordinate to the dynamic visual imagery. (This subject is developed at length in the article motion picture.)
The media of radio and television both depend upon words in their drama to an extent that is not characteristic of the motion picture. Though these mass media have been dominated by commercial interests and other economic factors, they also have developed dramatic forms from the special nature of their medium. The writer of a radio play must acknowledge that the listener cannot see the actors but hears them in conditions of great intimacy. A radio script that stresses the suggestive, imaginative, or poetic quality of words and permits a more than conventional freedom with time and place can produce a truly poetic drama, perhaps making unobtrusive use of earlier devices like the chorus, the narrator, and the soliloquy; an outstanding example of radio drama is Under Milk Wood (1953), by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.
A similar kind of dramatic writing is the so-called readers’ theatre, in which actors read or recite without decor before an audience. (This is not to be confused with “closet drama,” often a dramatic poem that assumes dialogue form; e.g., Milton’s Samson Agonistes, 1671, written without the intention of stage performance.) The essential discipline of the circuit of communication with an audience is what distinguishes drama as a genre, however many forms it has taken in its long history.