nationalistic music


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Assorted References

  • major reference
    • shofar
      In Western music: Establishment of the Romantic idiom

      Nationalism—the consciousness of the distinctive features of a nation and the intent to reveal, emphasize, and glorify those features—played a prominent part in Romantic music, partly as a result of social and political developments. The subject matter favoured by Romantic composers is most apparent in…

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influence on

    • chamber music
      • Joseph Haydn
        In chamber music: Late Romantic period, c. 1855–1900

        …Romantic writing with a decidedly nationalistic flavour. Of about 30 works of chamber music, nine held an important place in the repertory; these include two string sextets, three quartets, two piano trios, a piano quartet, and a piano quintet. One of the string quartets, the American, Opus 96, purports to…

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    • concerto music
      • caricature of Antonio Vivaldi
        In concerto: Romantic innovations

        …was the late-Romantic turn to nationalistic colours, introducing folk melodies or allowing folk music to influence melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. An example is the Symphonie espagnole for violin and orchestra (1875), by the French composer Édouard Lalo.

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    • folk music
      • Lead Belly
        In folk music: Folk music in historical context

        The nationalist movements of 19th- and early 20th-century art music drew on folk tunes and their styles, as well as folk dances and themes from folklore and village life, to develop distinctive repertories. Leaders in these movements included Bedrich Smetana and Dvořák for Czech music, Edvard…

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    • Latin American music
      • ceramic flute
        In Latin American music: The 19th century

        …decades of the century, musical nationalism had developed, as it had in Europe; its main expression was through the use of genres that were associated with national folk and popular characteristics.

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    major contributors

      • Albéniz
      • Balakirev
      • Bartok
        • Béla Bartók
          In Béla Bartók: Career in Hungary

          …time, a spirit of optimistic nationalism was sweeping Hungary, inspired by Ferenc Kossuth and his Party of Independence. As other members of Bartók’s generation demonstrated in the streets, the 22-year-old composer wrote a symphonic poem, Kossuth (1903), portraying in a style reminiscent of Strauss, though with a Hungarian flavour, the…

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      • Cui
        • César Cui, drawing by I. Repin, 1900.
          In César Cui

          …pugnacious journalistic champion of Russian nationalism. From 1864 to 1877 he was music critic for the St. Peterburgskiye vedomosti (“St. Petersburg News”), and later he became a successful propagandist of Russian music in Belgium and France, notably with his La Musique en Russie (1881). Cui’s own music has little Russian…

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      • Dvořák
        • Antonín Dvořák.
          In Antonín Dvořák: Works of Antonín Dvořák

          …the foundations of the Czech nationalist movement in music, but it was left to Dvořák to develop and extend this in an impressive series of works that quickly came to rank in popularity with those of his great German contemporaries. The reasons for Dvořák’s popularity lie in his great talent…

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      • Enesco
        • Enesco, George
          In George Enesco

          National themes are also used in his opera Oedipe (1936). In his later years he became the leader of the Romanian school of composers. He was also greatly respected as a violin teacher.

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      • Five, The
        • In The Five

          …attempt to create a truly national school of Russian music, free of the stifling influence of Italian opera, German lieder, and other western European forms. The original name of the group, Moguchaya Kuchka, was coined in a newspaper article in 1867. Centred in St. Petersburg, the members of The Five…

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      • Gade
        • Niels Gade.
          In Niels Gade

          …composer who founded the Romantic nationalist school in Danish music.

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      • Glazunov
        • Aleksandr Glazunov.
          In Aleksandr Glazunov

          …the recognized heir of the nationalist group and composed according to their principles; he also absorbed the influence of Franz Liszt, whom he visited in Weimar, Germany, in 1884. Other influences, notably Wagner’s and Tchaikovsky’s, were later evident. Most of Glazunov’s best works—the fourth, fifth, and sixth symphonies and his…

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      • Glière
        • Glière, Reinhold
          In Reinhold Glière

          …because of his interest in national styles. He organized workers’ concerts and directed committees of the Moscow Union of Composers and Union of Soviet Composers.

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      • Glinka
      • Granados
      • Grieg
      • Harris
        • In Roy Harris

          …and a prominent representative of nationalism in American music who came to be regarded as the musical spokesman for the American landscape.

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      • Jolivet
        • In André Jolivet

          …Berlioz), dedicated to fostering modern nationalistic music. During his service in the French Army during World War II, Jolivet grew interested in primitive religion and magic—influences that may be detected in his style.

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      • Kabalevsky
        • In Dmitry Kabalevsky

          …composer of music in a nationalistic Russian idiom, whose music also found an international audience.

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      • Khachaturian
        • Aram Khachaturian
          In Aram Khachaturian

          …by a growing appreciation of folk traditions, not only those of his Armenian forebears but also those of Georgia, Russia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. His Symphony No. 2 (1943) was written for the 25th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. His other works include a symphonic suite, Masquerade (1944; from incidental music…

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      • Novák
        • Novák, Vítězslav
          In Vítězslav Novák

          …of the principal proponents of nationalism in Czech music and the teacher of many Czech composers of the 20th century.

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      • Pedrell
      • Turina
      • Williams