- Also spelled:
- theater
- Related Topics:
- theatre design
- planetarium
- amphitheatre
- showboat
- proscenium
The other major tendency in today’s theatre arises from an investigation of the sources of the theatre’s uniqueness and strength. The prophet of this search was the French dramatist and poet Antonin Artaud, with his vision of a total, visceral theatre with the potency and terror of primitive myths. As was the case with Craig and Appia, his actual performances were few, but his writings inspired many directors, such as Peter Brook in England, Gerald Savory in France, and Jerzy Grotowski, whose Polish Laboratory Theatre, a fiercely dedicated acting ensemble, sought to cut through the bonds of the polite literary tradition to rediscover basic human drives and conflicts. The actors in the Laboratory Theatre undergo exhaustive exercises designed to break down the layers of superficial technique and repressions. Each production is conceived as a unique entity, requiring its own playing space and actor–audience relationship; the rectangular hall-theatre is rearranged according to the dictates of each production. Grotowski relies on his own dramaturgical skills in freely molding the texts and on his architect-designer for the carving of the space in which the ritual takes place.
Grotowski’s form of theatre is often called poor theatre on account of the simple circumstances in which it takes place. This characteristic recalls Copeau’s idea of “the greatest possible effect from the least possible means.” The internationalism of the theatre is now such that groups modeled on Grotowski’s have appeared throughout the world. Eugenio Barba, of Odin Theater in Holstebro, Den., a pupil of Grotowski, has formulated the ideological position of these theatres under the term third theatre. His book The Floating Islands (1979) examines a theatre existing independently that creates from whatever material resources are at hand. Barba has sought to return to theatre as a way of life, seeing this pattern in the origins of the commedia dell’arte, the wandering players, and in Molière’s company. The third theatre groups give performances, but they insist that the relationships engendered by their work, inside and outside the company, are the criteria by which they judge it. The members of the Odin Theatre have established a form of bartering in which they exchange their work for some cultural offering from the people of the regions they visit.
Because the third theatre is a way of life, the actors’ “work” is a full-time activity. Actors have their own daily training regimen. The actors’ work is enriched by the acquisition of other skills, particularly the techniques of Oriental theatre.
Because of the crippling expense of mainstream Western theatre and the development of these experimental groups, the theatre in the late 20th century has become highly polarized. On the one hand, there are “rich” commercial productions that rely heavily on technological spectacle; on the other hand are the small “poor” experimental groups exclusively centred on the art of the actor. Consequently, the traditional centres of theatre are losing their potency, except in their power to divert. The sources of real theatrical advance and interest are now dispersed throughout the world, and one is as likely to find exciting work in New Guinea as in New York City and London.