- Arabic:
- Adūnīs
- Pseudonym of:
- ʿAlī Aḥmad Saʿīd Isbar
- Born:
- 1930, Qaṣṣābīn, near Latakia, Syria (age 95)
- Awards And Honors:
- PEN/Nabokov Award (2017)
- Notable Works:
- “Al-Thābit wa al-mutaḥawwil”
- Movement / Style:
- Modernism
- avant-garde
Adonis (born 1930, Qaṣṣābīn, near Latakia, Syria) is a Syrian-born Lebanese poet and literary critic who was a leader of the modernist movement in contemporary Arabic poetry.
Adonis was born into a family of farmers and had no formal education until he was in his teens, though his father taught him much about classical Arabic literature. At age 14 he was enrolled in a French-run high school. He published his first volume of poems, Dalīlah, in 1950 and received a degree in philosophy at the University of Damascus in 1954. The following year he was imprisoned for six months because of his political views and activities. Adonis then moved to Beirut, where in 1957 he helped Yūsuf al-Khāl found the avant-garde poetry review Shiʿr (“Poetry”), and later became a citizen of Lebanon. Among his early volumes of poetry are Qasāʾid ūlā (1956; “First Poems”) and Awrāq fī al-rīḥ (1958; “Leaves in the Wind”).
In the 1960s Adonis helped create a new form of Arabic poetry—one characterized by elevated diction and a form of complex Surrealism influenced by the work of Sufi poets—with the publication of such works as Aghānī Mihyār al-Dimashqī (1961; Mihyar of Damascus: His Songs), Kitāb al-taḥawwulāt wa al-hijrah fī aqālīm al-nahār wa al-layl (1965; “The Book of Metamorphosis and Migration in the Regions of Day and Night”) and Al-Masraḥ wa al-marāyā (1968; “The Stage and the Mirrors”). His later book Al-Sūfiyyah wa al-Suriyāliyyah (1995; Sufism and Surrealism) is an examination of the similarities between the two movements that inspired him. In 1968 he launched the radical journal Mawāqif (“Positions”), which expanded its scope beyond literature to include political and cultural commentary. He also wrote innovative prose poems such as the influential Qabr min ajl New York (1971; “A Tomb for New York”).

In 1973 Adonis received a Ph.D. from St. Joseph University in Beirut, after which he held faculty positions at various universities before settling in Paris in the mid-1980s. Adonis’s Al-Kitāb (1995; “The Book”), which echoes the name of the Qurʾān, is a structurally complex work exploring Arab history from multiple perspectives. His critical essays were collected in Zaman al-Shiʿr (1972; “The Time for Poetry”) and Al-Thābit wa al-mutaḥawwil (1974; “Stability and Change”). He also wrote Muqaddimah li al-shiʿr al-ʿArabī (1979; An Introduction to Arab Poetics). English translations of selected poems appear in The Blood of Adonis (1971), The Transformation of the Lover (1983), The Pages of Day and Night (1994), and A Time Between Ashes and Roses (2004).
Adonis was the recipient of numerous honours, including the Goethe Prize (2011; Germany) and the PEN/Nabokov Award for Achievement in International Literature (2017; United States).