Napoleonic period (1805–16) of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Born:
- August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]
- Died:
- March 22, 1832, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar (aged 82)
- Notable Works:
- “Alexis und Dora”
- “Auf dem See”
- “Clavigo”
- “Der Gross-Cophta”
- “Egmont”
- “Faust”
- “Götz von Berlichingen”
- “Hermann und Dorothea”
- “Iphigenie in Tauris”
- “Stella”
- “The Erl-King”
- “The Sorrows of Young Werther”
- “The Theatrical Mission of Wilhelm Meister”
- “Torquato Tasso”
- “Über allen Gipfeln”
- “Venetian Epigrams”
- “Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship”
- Movement / Style:
- Sturm und Drang
Goethe responded to the death of Schiller by winding up the projects that had dominated his middle years. In 1805 he started preparing a new collected edition of his literary works with the publisher Johann Friedrich Cotta (see Cotta family), who also began the separate printing of his largest work, Zur Farbenlehre (“On the Theory of Colour”; Eng. trans. Goethe’s Color Theory), and in 1806 Goethe sent to him the completed manuscript of part one of Faust. War, however, delayed publication of Faust until 1808. On October 14, 1806, Napoleon routed the Prussian armies at the Battle of Jena. Weimar, 12 miles from the battle, was subsequently occupied and sacked, though Goethe’s house was spared, thanks to Napoleon’s admiration for the author of Werther. Christiane showed great courage in keeping control of the soldiers billeted with the family, and, probably in order to secure her position in these dangerous days, Goethe formally married her in the vestry of the court church five days after the battle. In an obvious reaction against this decision finally to commit himself, Goethe shortly afterward fell briefly and passionately in love with an unremarkable young lady, Wilhelmine Herzlieb, extricating himself from the entanglement only with considerable pain.
The period after the death of Schiller and the Battle of Jena was at first a sombre one. Goethe endeavoured to maintain Weimar’s cultural position by looking for a successor to Schiller as principal dramatist but failed to appreciate the genius of Heinrich von Kleist, whose comedy Der zerbrochene Krug (The Broken Pitcher) he produced in 1808. He drew a large number of strange and threatening landscapes, began a sequel—Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre (“Wilhelm Meister’s Years of Wandering”; Eng. trans. Wilhelm Meister’s Travels), with the telling subtitle oder, die Entsagenden (“or, The Renunciants”)—to his earlier Wilhelm Meister novel, and wrote his mysterious and tragic novel Die Wahlverwandtschaften (1809; Elective Affinities) and the related tragic fragment of a “festival play,” Pandora (1810). Elective Affinities purports to tell a Romantic story of the conflict between social conventions and passion—or Fate, or animal magnetism, or chemical affinity (all explanations are canvassed)—in the lives of four comfortable and cultivated people. Through the refractive medium of an exceptionally misleading narration, however, we glimpse a much bleaker world in which moral choice is hard, in which there are no consolations, and in which Romantic paraphernalia—whether speculative science, artistic medievalism, or landscape gardening—is a delusive distraction. But as he completed the novel, Goethe’s mood began to lift. In 1808 he met Napoleon during the Congress of Erfurt and was made a knight of the Legion of Honour. He became reconciled to Napoleon’s rule, regarding it as a more or less legitimate successor to the Holy Roman Empire, and, in the relatively peaceful interval after the Austrian war against France in 1809, a new serenity entered his writing. A wryly humorous poem on the subject of impotence and marital fidelity, “Das Tagebuch” (1810; “The Journal”), suppressed by Goethe’s heirs on grounds of obscenity until the 20th century, reflects this new realism, and for the sophisticated and worldly wise Continental public that he met on his visits to the Bohemian spas of Carlsbad and Teplitz, Goethe composed and published the first three parts of his autobiography, Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit (1811–13; From My Life: Poetry and Truth).
The years 1814 to 1817 were, however, a disturbed period during which no visits to Carlsbad took place. After the overthrow of Napoleon’s dominion by allied troops at the Battle of Leipzig (1813), Goethe, who had conspicuously failed to share in the nationalist fervour of the German Wars of Liberation, was asked to write a festival play for the king of Prussia to celebrate the allies’ achievement. He obliged with Des Epimenides Erwachen (1815; “Epimenides Awakes”), but the play shows that his feelings about the great victory were ambiguous. He had to be pleased that the Treaty of Paris signed in 1815 provided for the works of art looted from Italy to be returned, but he was no friend of reaction, whether political or cultural. The Holy Alliance—a loose organization of Europe’s most repressive rulers formed in 1815 ostensibly to promote Christian principles in political affairs—was as little to his taste as the Christianizing art of the new school of Nazarene painters, and he felt that the values he esteemed had been better served in other times and places. Alienation from the modern age is the undertone in all his work of this period, which branches out in three very different directions.
First, in his autobiographical writings he took up in 1813 the story of his journey to Italy and Sicily in 1786–87 and made of it an apology for an anti-Romantic view both of art and of Italy, eliminating all the uncertainty and inconsequentiality of the actual events and stylizing the journey into a supremely self-confident tour of the Classical world (Italiänische Reise [1816–17; Italian Journey], which takes the story only as far as his final departure from Naples). Second, in 1814 Goethe accepted an invitation to visit the Neckar region and the Rhineland in western Germany, where his hosts, the brothers Boisserée, had amassed a great collection of medieval art from destroyed and secularized churches, some of it documenting the beginnings of oil painting. Goethe was overwhelmed by the art of colour in this collection, particularly by what he took to be the work of the 15th-century Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, and expressed a new appreciation of medieval and Christian culture in several major essays (“Kunst und Altertum am Rhein, Main, und Neckar” [1816; “Art and Antiquity on the Rhine, Main, and Neckar”]; “Sankt-Rochus-Fest zu Bingen” [1817; “Feast of St. Roch in Bingen”]). He also approved of the plan to complete the unfinished cathedral in Cologne according to the rediscovered original drawings. But his friends did not immediately appreciate that Goethe might recognize a past achievement but still not think it a suitable ideal to inspire the contemporary artist.
Third, just before leaving for western Germany, Goethe made a literary discovery: a translation of the medieval Persian poetry of Ḥāfeẓ. He started to write verse of his own in the style of the translation. In Frankfurt he met Marianne Jung, just 30 years old and about to marry the 54-year-old banker Johann Jakob von Willemer; Goethe and Marianne took to writing each other love poems in the Ḥāfeẓ manner and continued to write them, both after Goethe had returned to Weimar and when he visited Frankfurt again in 1815. Out of this game grew a new collection of lyric verse, of which the hybrid, self-consciously pseudo-Oriental quality was acknowledged by Goethe in its title: West-östlicher Divan (“The Parliament of East and West”; Eng. trans. Poems of the East and West). Goethe was fleeing from the upheavals of his own time. But in 1816 he was cruelly reminded that he could not flee present reality entirely. His wife died in June, probably of epilepsy. He abandoned a third visit to the Rhineland, and after 1817 only very few poems were added to the Divan, which was published in 1819.