Lino Oviedo
Paraguayan general
Learn about this topic in these articles:
association with Wasmosy
- In Juan Carlos Wasmosy
Lino Oviedo, the country’s military strongman who had helped topple Stroessner in 1989, to step down as the army chief. When Oviedo threatened a military coup, Wasmosy promised Oviedo the position of defense minister. Many Paraguayans accused Wasmosy of compromising a civilian government, and they…
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history of Paraguay
- In Paraguay: Democratic freedoms
Lino Oviedo soon emerged as a major figure. He engineered the selection of Juan Carlos Wasmosy as the candidate of the Colorado Party in the 1993 presidential elections; Wasmosy won the election and became Paraguay’s first civilian president since 1954. But Oviedo and Wasmosy had…
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