- Title / Office:
- king (923-936), France
Rudolf (died Jan. 14/15, 936, Auxerre, France) was the duke of Burgundy (921–936) and later king of the West Franks, or France (923–936), who, after a stormy career typical of the general political instability that characterized the age, succeeded in consolidating his authority shortly before he died.
Rudolf was the son-in-law of Robert I, briefly king of France, with whom in 922 he led a rebellion that ousted Charles III the Simple, the Carolingian ruler of France. When Robert was killed in battle the following year, Rudolf was elected king and was crowned at Soissons. His reign was little more than an unending series of battles. He was at first not recognized by many of the magnates; in addition, he had to face the attacks of the Northmen and even of the Hungarians. In 926 he lost Lorraine to Henry I of Germany and in 928 was obliged to cede Laon to Herbert, count of Vermandois, who had earlier been a principal supporter but now exploited his possession of the person of Charles the Simple to blackmail the king.
Rudolf’s position improved significantly, however, after the death of Charles in 929 removed a rallying point for the opposition; soon, only Herbert held out against him. Rudolf had just forced his foe’s capitulation when he fell ill and died.