Comic Strips & Superheroes, TIN-YU-

Spider-Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man: in the early 21st century, superheroes such as these rose to staggering global prominence. Movies featuring characters from Marvel Comics or DC Comics regularly drew in high global box office earnings, and the likenesses of these characters could easily be spotted adorning clothing, toys, backpacks, and more. Prior to the rise of modern comic books, their precursor, the comic strip, held court. Early comic strips were produced in Europe before the form began appearing in American magazines in the late 19th century. In 1933 the first true comic books were released. Five years later, DC Comics introduced Superman, the character who truly launched the superhero genre.
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Comic Strips & Superheroes Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Tintin, cartoon character, an intrepid young investigative reporter who stars in a series of popular Belgian comic......
Trudeau, Garry
Garry Trudeau is an American satirist whose literate, sophisticated comic strip Doonesbury reflected social and......
Uchida Shungicu
Uchida Shungicu is a Japanese singer, dancer, author, and cartoonist known for her titillating manga (Japanese......
Uzumaki, a horror manga (Japanese comic book) by Ito Junji, originally published in 1998–99 in the magazine Big......
Vijayan, O.V.
O.V. Vijayan was an Indian cartoonist, pioneering novelist and short-story writer, and a leading figure in Malayalam......
Watchmen, graphic novel by writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons, published as a 12-part series by DC Comics......
Watterson, Bill
Bill Watterson is an American cartoonist best known for creating the popular and award-winning comic strip Calvin......
Wolverine, comic-book character whose gruff, violent disposition set the standard for later antiestablishment comic......
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman, American comic book heroine created for DC Comics by psychologist William Moulton Marston (under......
X-Men, American comic strip team consisting of a rotating ensemble cast of mutants born with superhuman powers.......
Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear, American cartoon character, a walking, talking bear in a necktie and porkpie hat who roamed fictional......
Young, Art
Art Young was a satiric American cartoonist and crusader whose cartoons expressed his human warmth as well as his......
Young, Chic
Chic Young was a U.S. cartoonist who created the comic strip “Blondie,” which, by the 1960s, was syndicated in......
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Japanese manga (comic book) of the late 20th and early 21st centuries that features an ordinary high-school......

Comic Strips & Superheroes Encyclopedia Articles By Title