Insects, LON-SKI
When people talk about “insects,” they often mean pests or disease carriers such as bedbugs, houseflies, beetles, mosquitoes, fleas, and hornets. To be fair, though, many insects are beneficial to humans, albeit sometimes indirectly: they pollinate plants, produce useful substances, control pest insects, act as scavengers, and serve as food for other animals. Some insects, such as butterflies, are beautiful to behold, and insects such as ladybugs flaunt eye-catching colors and patterns.
Insects Encyclopedia Articles By Title
long-horned beetle, (family Cerambycidae), any of about 25,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) whose......
long-legged fly, (family Dolichopodidae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are......
louse, (order Phthiraptera), any of a group of small wingless parasitic insects divisible into two main groups:......
louse fly, any insect of the parasitic family Hippoboscidae (order Diptera) characterized by piercing mouthparts......
luna moth, (Actias luna), species of saturniid moth of eastern North America. Luna moths are pale green and have......
lygaeid bug, (family Lygaeidae), any of a group of insects in the true bug order, Heteroptera, that includes many......
maggot, soft-bodied grub that is the larva of many dipterous flies. About half of fly species produce larvae that......
mantid, (family Mantidae), any of approximately 2,000 species of large, slow-moving insects that are characterized......
mantispid, (family Mantispidae), any of a group of insects in the order Neuroptera, the adults of which bear a......
March fly, (family Bibionidae), any member of a family of stout insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are commonly......
marsh fly, (family Sciomyzidae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, in which the parasitic......
marsh treader, any insect of the family Hydrometridae (order Heteroptera), so named because of its slow, deliberate......
mason bee, (genus Osmia), genus of more than 350 species of solitary bees mostly native to the Northern Hemisphere......
mayfly, (order Ephemeroptera), any member of a group of insects known for their extremely short adult life spans......
meadow grasshopper, (subfamily Conocephalinae), any of a group of grasshoppers in the family Tettigoniidae (order......
mealybug, (family Pseudococcidae), any of a group of small sap-sucking insects (order Homoptera) that are worldwide......
measuring worm, (family Geometridae), the larva of any of a large group of moths in the order Lepidoptera. Because......
Mediterranean fruit fly, particularly destructive and costly insect pest, a species of fruit fly...
metallic wood-boring beetle, (family Buprestidae), any of some 15,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera),......
metalmark, (subfamily Riodininae), any of a group of small, principally South American insects in the gossamer-winged......
Mexican jumping bean, the seed of certain Mexican shrubs, especially those of the genus Sebastiania, of the spurge......
midge, (family Chironomidae), any of a group of tiny two-winged flies (order Diptera) that superficially resemble......
midget moth, any member of the approximately 300 species in the cosmopolitan family Nepticulidae (sometimes called......
milkweed butterfly, (subfamily Danainae), any of a group of butterflies in the brush-footed butterfly (q.v.) family,......
mining bee, (family Andrenidae), any of a group of bees (order Hymenoptera), particularly the genus Andrena. Many......
mole cricket, (family Gryllotalpidae), any of about 65 species of insects (order Orthoptera) that are sometimes......
monarch butterfly, (Danaus plexippus), familiar member of the milkweed butterfly group (subfamily Danainae, order......
morpho, (family Morphidae), any of numerous very large tropical American butterfly species with dazzling iridescent......
mosquito, (family Culicidae), any of approximately 3,500 species of familiar insects, some of which are important......
moth, (order Lepidoptera), any of about 160,000 species of overwhelmingly nocturnal flying insects that, along......
moth fly, (family Psychodidae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are small and......
net-winged beetle, (family Lycidae), any of some 2,800 species of soft-bodied, brightly coloured, predominately......
neuropteran, (order Neuroptera), any of a group of insects commonly called lacewings because of the complex vein......
northern giant hornet, (Vespa mandarinia), species of social hornet (order Hymenoptera), the largest known wasp......
Odonata, insect order comprising the dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera) and the damselflies (suborder Zygoptera).......
oedemerid beetle, (family Oedemeridae), any of approximately 1,500 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera)......
olethreutid moth, (subfamily Olethreutinae), any of a group of moths in the family Tortricidae (order Lepidoptera)......
orange-tip butterfly, (genus Anthocharis), any of a group of butterflies in the subfamily Pierinae (family Pieridae,......
orthopteran, broadly, any member of one of four insect orders. Orthopteran has come to be regarded as the common......
owlet moth, (family Noctuidae), large worldwide group of more than 20,000 species of triangular, stout-bodied nocturnal......
owlfly, (family Ascalaphidae), any of a group of insects (order Neuroptera) that are frequently mistaken for dragonflies......
oystershell scale, (Lepidosaphes ulmi), a species of insect in the armoured scale family, Diaspididae (order Homoptera),......
painted lady, (Vanessa cardui), species of butterfly in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae (order Lepidoptera),......
paper wasp, (genus Polistes), any of a group of wasps in the family Vespidae (order Hymenoptera) that are striking......
parnassian butterfly, any member of the insect subfamily Parnassiinae of the cosmopolitan family Papilionidae (order......
peppered moth, (Biston betularia), species of European moth in the family Geometridae (order Lepidoptera) that......
periodical cicada, (genus Magicicada), genus of seven species of cicadas known for their unusual highly synchronized......
phantom midge, any insect of the family Chaoboridae (order Diptera), similar in appearance to the mosquito. The......
phylloxera, Any of numerous, chiefly North American, insect species (genus Phylloxera, order Homoptera), many of......
picture-winged fly, (family Otitidae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are small......
pine weevil, any wood-boring beetle of the insect family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera). Their most unusual physical......
plant bug, any member of two families of the insect order Heteroptera. The family Lygaeidae (see lygaeid bug) contains......
plant hopper, any member of several insect families of the order Homoptera, easily recognized because of the hollow,......
plasterer bee, (family Colletidae), large family of bees with more than 2,500 species found worldwide. Their common......
pleasing fungus beetle, (family Erotylidae), any of more than 3,500 species of widely distributed, mostly tropical......
plum curculio, (Conotrachelus nenuphar), North American insect pest of the family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera);......
plume moth, (family Pterophoridae), any of about 1,000 species of delicate moths (order Lepidoptera) that are named......
potato beetle, (Lema daturaphila), species of leaf beetle that was one of the most destructive potato pests until......
powderpost beetle, (subfamily Lyctinae), any of approximately 70 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that......
predaceous diving beetle, (family Dytiscidae), any of more than 4,000 species of carnivorous, aquatic beetles (insect......
primitive weevil, (family Brentidae), any of approximately 2,000 species of beetles related to the weevil family......
processionary caterpillar, larval stage characteristic of the small insect family Thaumetopoeidae (order Lepidoptera),......
prominent moth, (family Notodontidae), any of a group of moths (order Lepidoptera) that are characterized by projecting......
proturan, any of a group of about 800 species of minute (0.5 to 2 mm [0.02 to 0.08 inch]), pale, wingless, blind,......
psocid, (order Psocoptera), any of a group of about 5,000 species of soft-bodied insects, usually less than 5 mm......
pubic louse, (Phthirus pubis), sucking louse in the human louse family, Pediculidae (suborder Anoplura, order Phthiraptera),......
pygmy grasshopper, (family Tetrigidae), any of about 1,400 species of insects (order Orthoptera) that are small......
pygmy sand cricket, any member of the orthopteran family Tridactylidae of about 60 species that often inhabits......
pyralid moth, (family Pyralidae or Pyralididae), any of a group of moths in the order Lepidoptera, most members......
raspy cricket, any of a group of insects in the subfamily Gryllacridinae (order Orthoptera) that possess features......
red bug, any insect of the family Pyrrhocoridae (order Heteroptera), which contains more than 300 species. The......
regal moth, (subfamily Citheroniinae), any of a group of moths in the family Saturniidae (order Lepidoptera) that......
rhinoceros beetle, (subfamily Dynastinae), any of numerous species of beetles, some of which are among the largest......
rhynchophthirinan, any member of the suborder Rhynchophthirina of the louse order Phthiraptera, consisting of the......
robber fly, (family Asilidae), any of about 6,750 species of predatory insects, worldwide in distribution, in the......
rove beetle, (family Staphylinidae), any member of a family of numerous widely distributed insects in the order......
rust fly, (family Psilidae), any of a group of insects (order Diptera) that are small, slender, brownish flies......
Sahara desert ant, any of several species of ant in the genus Cataglyphis that dwell in the Sahara, particularly......
San Jose scale, (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus), a species of insect in the armoured scale family, Diaspididae (order......
sand fly, any insect of the family Phlebotomidae (sometimes considered part of the family Psychodidae) of the order......
sand wasp, (tribe Bembicini), any of a group of wasps in the subfamily Bembicinae (family Crabronidae, order Hymenoptera)......
sap beetle, (family Nitidulidae), any of at least 2,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) usually found......
saturniid moth, (family Saturniidae), family of about 1,500 species of moths, some of which spin thick, silken......
satyr butterfly, (subfamily Satyrinae), any of a group of delicate butterflies in the family Nymphalidae (order......
sawfly, (superfamily Tenthredinoidea), any of a large group of widely distributed insects that are thought to be......
scale insect, any member of several families of insects (order Homoptera) that have a body covered by a protective......
scarab beetle, (family Scarabaeidae), any of approximately 30,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera)......
scorpionfly, (order Mecoptera), any of several species of insects characterized by chewing mouthparts at the tip......
screwworm, Any of several North and South American blowfly species named for the screwlike appearance of the larva’s......
scurfy scale, (Chionaspis furfura), a species of insect in the armoured scale family, Diaspididae (order Homoptera),......
seed beetle, (subfamily Bruchinae), any of some 1,350 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) whose larvae......
shield-backed katydid, (subfamily Tettigoniinae), any of a group of insects (family Tettigoniidae, order Orthoptera)......
shining leaf chafer, any member of the insect subfamily Rutelinae of the scarab family Scarabaeidae (order Coleoptera),......
shore bug, any of the more than 200 species of small dark coloured insects with white or yellow markings that constitute......
shore fly, (family Ephydridae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are small, dark......
short-horned grasshopper, (family Acrididae), family of more than 10,000 species of insects, the largest group......
silken fungus beetle, (family Cryptophagidae), any of approximately 800 insect species (insect order Coleoptera)......
silkworm moth, (Bombyx mori), lepidopteran whose caterpillar has been used in silk production (sericulture) for......
silverfish, (Lepisma saccharina), species of quick-moving, slender, flat, wingless insect having three tail bristles......
skin beetle, (family Trogidae), any of approximately 300 widely distributed species of beetles in the superfamily......