Mammals, CLO-FLY

Mammals are distinguished by their ability to produce milk. The class Mammalia boasts tremendous diversity in form and habit, and different types of mammals can be wildly different from one another in physical appearance. Living kinds of mammals range in size from a bat weighing less than a gram to the largest animal that has ever lived, the blue whale, which reaches a length or more than 30 metres (100 feet) and a weight of 180 metric tons (nearly 200 short [U.S.] tons).
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Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title

cloud rat
cloud rat, any of six species of slow-moving, nocturnal, tree-dwelling rodents found only in Philippine forests.......
clouded leopard
clouded leopard, strikingly marked cat, very similar in colouring and coat pattern to the smaller, unrelated marbled......
Clumber spaniel
Clumber spaniel, breed of sporting dog, the heaviest of the spaniel family, said to have originated in France before......
Clydesdale, heavy draft-horse breed that originated in Lanarkshire, Scotland, near the River Clyde. The breed was......
coati, (genus Nasua), any of three species of omnivore related to raccoons (family Procyonidae). Coatis are found......
cocker spaniel
cocker spaniel, either of two breeds of sporting dogs used by hunters to flush game birds from cover; it is also......
collie, working dog breed developed in Great Britain, probably by the 18th century. There are two varieties of......
colobus, any of some dozen species of long-tailed tree-dwelling and generally gregarious monkeys native to eastern,......
Condylarthra, extinct group of mammals that includes the ancestral forms of later, more-advanced ungulates (hoofed......
Connemara, breed of pony native to the Connemara area of Ireland, used as general riding ponies for adults and......
coonhound, any of several breeds of dogs used primarily in hunting raccoons by scent. Coonhounds are noted for......
Coryphodon, genus of extinct primitive hoofed mammals known from Late Paleocene and Early Eocene deposits (those......
cotton rat
cotton rat, (genus Sigmodon), any of 14 species of terrestrial rodents found from the southern United States to......
cottontail, any of several North and Central American rabbit species of the genus Sylvilagus. See...
cow, in common parlance, a domestic bovine, regardless of sex and age, usually of the species Bos taurus. In precise......
coydog, hybrid of the domestic dog with the coyote...
coyote, (Canis latrans), New World member of the dog family (Canidae) that is smaller and more lightly built than......
crab-eating fox
crab-eating fox, (Cerdocyon thous), South American member of the dog family (Canidae), found in grassy or forested......
crabeater seal
crabeater seal, (species Lobodon carcinophagus), southern seal of the family Phocidae found among drifting ice......
Creodonta, order of extinct carnivorous mammals first found as fossils in North American deposits of the Paleocene......
crest-tailed marsupial rat
crest-tailed marsupial rat, (Dasyuroides byrnei), rare ratlike mammal of the family Dasyuridae (order Marsupialia),......
crested black macaque
crested black macaque, (Macaca nigra), a mainly arboreal Indonesian monkey named for the narrow crest of hair that......
Criollo, horse breed of Argentina, Brazil, and other South American countries, used as a stock and riding horse.......
Cro-Magnon, population of early Homo sapiens dating from the Upper Paleolithic Period (c. 40,000 to c. 10,000 years......
curly-coated retriever
curly-coated retriever, breed of sporting dog bred and trained to retrieve game both on land and in the water.......
cuscus, any of the seven species of Australasian marsupial mammals of the genus Phalanger. These are the marsupial......
cutting horse
cutting horse, light saddle horse trained to cut (isolate) livestock, especially cattle, from herds. Most are quarter......
Dachshund, dog breed of hound and terrier ancestry developed in Germany to pursue badgers into their burrows. The......
dairy cattle breeds
Cattle, at the initial stages of their domestication, produced a relatively small amount of milk, sufficient only......
Dall sheep
Dall sheep, (Ovis dalli), species of bighorn...
Dalmatian, dog breed named after the Adriatic coastal region of Dalmatia, Croatia, its first definite home. The......
Dandie Dinmont terrier
Dandie Dinmont terrier, breed of terrier developed in the border country of England and Scotland. First noted as......
Dartmoor, breed of pony about 12 hands (48 inches, or 122 cm) tall, hardy, and semiwild in its native Dartmoor,......
dassie rat
dassie rat, (Petromus typicus), a medium-sized rodent adapted to life among rocky outcrops in the desert hills......
dasyurid, any member of a family (Dasyuridae) of marsupial mammals that includes the quolls (formerly called “native......
DeBrazza’s monkey
DeBrazza’s monkey, (Cercopithecus neglectus), large brightly coloured guenon widely distributed through central......
deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two......
deer mouse
deer mouse, (genus Peromyscus), any of 53 species of small rodents found in a variety of habitats from Alaska and......
degu, (genus Octodon), one of four species of ratlike South American rodents found primarily on the lower western......
Deltatheridium, a genus of extinct mammals found as fossils in rocks from Upper Cretaceous times (about 100–65.5......
Denisovan, member of a group of archaic humans who emerged about 370,000 years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch......
desert dormouse
desert dormouse, (Selevinia betpakdalaensis), a rarely seen or captured small rodent of Central Asia. Weighing......
desman, either of two species of amphibious Eurasian moles that den on land but seek prey underwater instead of......
dhole, (Cuon alpinus), wild Asian carnivore of the dog family (Canidae), found in central and southeastern wooded......
diana monkey
diana monkey, (Cercopithecus diana), arboreal species of guenon named for its crescent-shaped white browband that......
dibatag, (Ammodorcas clarkei), a rare member of the gazelle tribe (Antilopini, family Bovidae), indigenous to the......
dik-dik, (genus Madoqua), any of four species of dwarf antelopes (tribe Neotragini, family Bovidae) that are adapted......
dingo, (Canis lupus dingo, Canis dingo), member of the family Canidae native to Australia. Most authorities regard......
Dinohyus, extinct genus of giant piglike mammals found as fossils in deposits of early Miocene age in North America......
Diprotodon, extinct genus of marsupial classified in the suborder Vombatiformes and considered to be the largest......
dire wolf
dire wolf, (Aenocyon dirus), canine that existed during the Pleistocene Epoch (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago).......
disk-winged bat
disk-winged bat, (family Thyropteridae), any of three species of bats inhabiting Central America and northern South......
Do Cows Pollute as Much as Cars?
Cows are notorious for their emissions of methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas. Cows produce methane through digestion,......
Do Kangaroos Really Box?
Kangaroo boxing is an actual behavior observed in these Australian marsupials. Male kangaroos box with other males......
Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinscher, breed of working dog developed in Apolda, Germany, by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, a tax......
Docodon, extinct genus of mammals originally known only from fossilized teeth. The dentition patterns of the cusps......
Dogo Argentino
Dogo Argentino, breed of working dog created in Argentina in the 1920s as a pack-hunting, big-game hunter. The......
dolphin, any of the toothed whales belonging to the mammal family Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins) as well as the......
domestic shorthair
domestic shorthair, breed of domestic cat often referred to as a common, or alley, cat; a good show animal, however,......
donkey, (Equus asinus), domestic ass belonging to the horse family, Equidae, and descended from the African wild......
dormouse, (family Myoxidae), any of 27 species of small-bodied Eurasian, Japanese, and African rodents. The largest,......
douc, (genus Pygathrix), any of three colourful species of langur monkeys found in the tropical forests of central......
drill, (Mandrillus leucophaeus), large short-tailed monkey found from southeastern Nigeria to western Cameroon......
dromedary, Arabian (one-humped) riding camel (Camelus dromedarius), a swift domestic species not found in the wild.......
Dryopithecus, genus of extinct ape that is representative of early members of the lineage that includes humans......
dugong, (Dugong dugon), marine mammal that inhabits the warm coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, feeds......
duiker, (tribe Cephalophini), any of 17 or 18 species of forest-dwelling antelopes (subfamily Cephalophinae, family......
Duroc, breed of pig developed between 1822 and 1877 from the Old Duroc pig of New York and the Red Jersey pig of......
durukuli, (genus Aotus), any of several species of closely related nocturnal monkeys of Central and South America......
echidna, (family Tachyglossidae), any of four species of peculiar egg-laying mammals from Australia, Tasmania,......
egg tooth
egg tooth, tooth or toothlike structure used by the young of many egg-laying species to break the shell of the......
Ehringsdorf remains
Ehringsdorf remains, human fossils found between 1908 and 1925 near Weimar, Germany. The most complete fossils......
eland, (genus Taurotragus), either of two very large, oxlike African antelopes of the spiral-horned antelope tribe......
elephant, (family Elephantidae), largest living land animal, characterized by its long trunk (elongated upper lip......
elephant seal
elephant seal, either of the two largest pinnipeds (aquatic mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia): the northern elephant......
elephant shrew
elephant shrew, (order Macroscelidea), any of approximately 20 species of rat-sized African mammals named for their......
elk, (Cervus elaphus canadensis), the largest and most advanced subspecies of red deer (Cervus elaphus), found......
Enaliarctos, extinct genus of mammals that contains the oldest known member of Pinnipedia, the group that contains......
English setter
English setter, breed of sporting dog that has served as a gun dog in England for more than 400 years and has been......
English toy spaniel
English toy spaniel, breed of dog known in Britain since Tudor times but that apparently originated in ancient......
entelodont, (family Entelodontidae), any member of the extinct family Entelodontidae, a group of large mammals......
Eohippus, (genus Hyracotherium), extinct group of mammals that were the first known horses. They flourished in......
equine, one of the mammal family of Equidae (order Perissodactyla) that includes the modern horses, zebras, and......
ermine, (Mustela erminea), northern weasel species in the genus Mustela, family Mustelidae. The species is called......
Eskimo dog
Eskimo dog, breed of sled and hunting dog found near the Arctic Circle. It is believed by some authorities to be......
fallow deer
fallow deer, (Dama dama), medium-sized deer of the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla) that is frequently kept......
false vampire bat
false vampire bat, any of certain bats of the Old World genera Megaderma, Cardioderma, and Macroderma (family Megadermatidae)......
feathertail, small marsupial mammal, a species of glider...
feline, (family Felidae), any of 37 cat species that among others include the cheetah, puma, jaguar, leopard, lion,......
fennec, (Fennecus zerda), desert-dwelling fox, family Canidae, found in north Africa and the Sinai and Arabian......
ferret, either of two species of carnivores, the common ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and the black-footed ferret......
fin whale
fin whale, (Balaenoptera physalus), a slender baleen whale, second in size to the blue whale and distinguishable......
Finnish spitz
Finnish spitz, breed of dog native to Finland, where a breed standard has existed since 1812. It is nicknamed the......
fisher, (Martes pennanti), North American carnivore of northern forests (taiga), trapped for its valuable brownish......
fishing cat
fishing cat, (species Felis viverrina), tropical cat of the family Felidae, found in India and Southeast Asia.......
flat-coated retriever
flat-coated retriever, breed of sporting dog, powerful and deep-chested, strong enough to handle large birds and......
flat-headed cat
flat-headed cat, (Felis planiceps), extremely rare Asian cat found in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo.......
Florida panther
Florida panther, member of a population of large New World cats belonging to the species Puma concolor, family......
flying fox
flying fox, (genus Pteropus), any of about 65 bat species found on tropical islands from Madagascar to Australia......

Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title