Spirituality, JON-MYS

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Spirituality Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Jones, Rufus Matthew
Rufus Matthew Jones was one of the most respected U.S. Quakers of his time, who wrote extensively on Christian......
Josephson, Brian D.
Brian D. Josephson is a British physicist whose discovery of the Josephson effect while a 22-year-old graduate......
Judah ben Samuel
Judah ben Samuel was a Jewish mystic and semilegendary pietist, a founder of the fervent, ultrapious movement of......
Jude, St
St. Jude ; Western feast day October 28, Eastern feast days June 19 and August 21) was one of the original Twelve......
Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich was a celebrated mystic whose Revelations of Divine Love (or Showings) is generally considered......
justification, in Christian theology, either (1) the act by which God moves a willing person from the state of......
Justin Martyr, St.
St. Justin Martyr ; feast day June 1) was one of the most important of the Greek philosopher-Apologists in the......
Jāmī was a Persian scholar, mystic, and poet who is often regarded as the last great mystical poet of Iran. Jāmī......
Jīlī, al-
al-Jīlī was a mystic whose doctrines of the “perfect man” became popular throughout the Islamic world. Little is......
ka, in ancient Egyptian religion, with the ba and the akh, a principal aspect of the soul of a human being or of......
Kabir was an iconoclastic Indian poet-saint revered by Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs. The birth of Kabir remains shrouded......
kachina, in traditional religions of the Pueblo Indians of North America, any of more than 500 divine and ancestral......
Kaddish, in Judaism, a doxology (hymn of praise to God) that is usually recited in Aramaic at the end of principal......
Kaifeng Jew
Kaifeng Jew, member of a former religious community in Henan province, China, whose careful observance of Jewish......
Kalpa-sutra, manual of Hindu religious practice, a number of which emerged within the different schools of the......
Kapleau, Philip
Philip Kapleau was an American religious leader, a leading popularizer of Zen Buddhism in the United States and......
kappa, in Japanese folklore, a type of vampirelike lecherous creature that is more intelligent than the devilish......
Kempe, Margery
Margery Kempe was an English religious mystic whose autobiography is one of the earliest in English literature.......
Ker, in ancient Greek religion, a destructive spirit. Popular belief attributed death and illness to the action......
Kerner, Justinus Andreas Christian
Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner was a German poet and spiritualist writer. He and the poet Ludwig Uhland founded......
kerygma and catechesis
kerygma and catechesis, in Christian theology, respectively, the initial proclamation of the gospel message and......
Kilian, St.
St. Kilian ; feast day July 8) was a missionary bishop who, with his companions Saints Colman and Totnan, gave......
Kim Dae-Gŏn, St.
St. Kim Dae-Gŏn ; canonized May 6, 1984; feast day September 20) was the first Korean Catholic priest. The son......
Knox, John
John Knox was the foremost leader of the Scottish Reformation, who set the austere moral tone of the Church of......
Kolbe, St. Maksymilian Maria
St. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe ; feast day August 14) ; canonized October 10, 1982) was a Franciscan priest and religious......
Kook, Abraham Isaac
Abraham Isaac Kook was a Jewish mystic, fervent Zionist, and the first chief rabbi of Palestine under the League......
Kou Qianzhi
Kou Qianzhi was a Daoist religious leader who organized many of the ceremonies and rites of the Tianshidao (“Way......
kīrtana, form of musical worship or group devotion practiced by the Vaiṣṇava sects (followers of the god Vishnu)......
Lar, in Roman religion, any of numerous tutelary deities. They were originally gods of the cultivated fields, worshipped......
Last Judgment
Last Judgment, a general, or sometimes individual, judging of the thoughts, words, and deeds of persons by God,......
Latimer, Hugh
Hugh Latimer was an English Protestant who advanced the cause of the Reformation in England through his vigorous......
lauma, in Baltic folklore, a fairy who appears as a beautiful naked maiden with long fair hair. Laumas dwell in......
Laveau, Marie
Marie Laveau was the Vodou queen of New Orleans. Laveau’s powers reportedly included healing the sick, extending......
Law, William
William Law was an English author of influential works on Christian ethics and mysticism. He entered Emmanuel College,......
Lawrence, Saint
Saint Lawrence ; feast day August 10) was one of the most venerated Roman martyrs, celebrated for his Christian......
Lazarus, (“God Has Helped”), either of two figures mentioned in the New Testament. The miraculous story of Lazarus......
Leade, Jane
Jane Leade was an English mystic and proponent of Universalist Christianity. Leade’s religious views were based......
lectisternium, (from Latin lectum sternere, “to spread a couch”), ancient Greek and Roman rite in which a meal......
Lemures, in Roman religion, wicked and fearsome spectres of the dead. Appearing in grotesque and terrifying forms,......
leshy, in Slavic mythology, the forest spirit. The leshy is a sportive spirit who enjoys playing tricks on people,......
Li Hongzhi
Li Hongzhi is the Chinese-born founder and leader of Falun Gong, a spiritual movement that won a wide following......
Li Shaojun
Li Shaojun was a noted Chinese Daoist who was responsible for much of the mystical content of popular Daoist thought.......
libation, act of pouring a liquid (frequently wine, but sometimes milk or other fluids) as a sacrifice to a...
Linus, St.
St. Linus ; feast day September 23) was the pope from about 67 to 76 or 79, who may have been the immediate successor......
list of 10 expensive weddings
Very few couples are able to say “money is no object” when planning their wedding. For the ultra-wealthy, however,......
Little Brothers of Jesus and Little Sisters of Jesus
Little Brothers of Jesus and Little Sisters of Jesus, Roman Catholic religious congregations inspired by the example......
liturgical music
liturgical music, music written for performance in a religious rite of worship. The term is most commonly associated......
Llull, Ramon
Ramon Llull was a Catalan mystic and poet whose writings helped to develop the Romance Catalan language and widely......
Lord’s Prayer
Lord’s Prayer, Christian prayer that, according to tradition, was taught by Jesus to his disciples. It appears......
Loreto, town and episcopal see, Marche region, central Italy, on the Musone River just south of Ancona and near......
Lourdes, pilgrimage town, Hautes-Pyrénées département, Occitanie région, southwestern France, southwest of Toulouse.......
Loyola, St. Ignatius of
St. Ignatius of Loyola ; canonized March 12, 1622; feast day July 31) was a Spanish theologian and mystic, one......
Lucian of Antioch, Saint
Saint Lucian of Antioch was a Christian theologian-martyr who originated a theological tradition at Antioch that......
Lucy, St
St. Lucy ; feast day December 13) was a virgin and martyr who was one of the earliest Christian saints to achieve......
Ludmila, St.
St. Ludmila ; feast day September 16) was a Slavic martyr and patron of Bohemia, where she pioneered in establishing......
Lumbini, grove near the southern border of modern-day Nepal where, according to Buddhist legend, Queen Maha Maya......
Luria, Isaac ben Solomon
Isaac ben Solomon Luria was the eponymous founder of the Lurianic school of Kabbala (Jewish esoteric mysticism).......
lustration, (from Latin lustratio, “purification by sacrifice”), any of various processes in ancient Greece and......
lwa, the primary spirits of Vodou. They are akin to the orishas of Yoruba religion and of similar Afro-Caribbean......
Macarius the Egyptian
Macarius the Egyptian ; feast day January 15) was a monk and ascetic who, as one of the Desert Fathers, advanced......
Mahavihara, Buddhist monastery founded in the late 3rd century bce in Anuradhapura, the ancient capital of Ceylon......
Mahavira was the last of the 24 Tirthankaras (“Ford-makers,” i.e., saviours who promulgated Jainism), and the reformer......
Malāmatīyah, a Ṣūfī (Muslim mystic) group that flourished in Sāmānid Iran during the 8th century. The name Malāmatīyah......
Margaret of Antioch, St.
St. Margaret of Antioch ; Eastern feast day July 13; Western feast day July 20) was a virgin martyr and one of......
Marian apparitions
Marian apparitions are supernatural events in which the Virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus) is alleged to have appeared......
Martin I, St.
St. Martin I ; feast day April 13) was the pope from 649 to 653. He is recognized as a saint and martyr in both......
martyr, one who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny their religion by words or deeds; such action is afforded......
Mary Of The Incarnation
Mary Of The Incarnation was a mystic whose activity and influence in religious affairs inspired most of the leading......
Maurice, Saint
Saint Maurice ; feast day September 22) was a Christian soldier whose alleged martyrdom, with his comrades, inspired......
Maurist, member of a former congregation of French Benedictine monks founded in 1618 and devoted to strict observance......
Mawlawīyah, fraternity of Sufis (Muslim mystics) founded in Konya (Qonya), Anatolia, by the Persian Sufi poet Rūmī......
Maximus the Confessor, St.
St. Maximus the Confessor ; Eastern feast day January 21; Western feast day August 13) was the most important Byzantine......
Mayne, St. Cuthbert
St. Cuthbert Mayne ; canonized October 25, 1970; feast day October 25) was one of the Forty Martyrs of England......
Mecca, city, western Saudi Arabia, located in the Ṣirāt Mountains, inland from the Red Sea coast. It is the holiest......
Mechitarist, member of the Congregation of Benedictine Armenian Antonine Monks, a Roman Catholic congregation of......
Medina, city located in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, about 100 miles (160 km) inland from the Red......
meditation, private devotion or mental exercise encompassing various techniques of concentration, contemplation,......
medium, in occultism, a person reputedly able to make contact with the world of spirits, especially while in a......
Meher Baba
Meher Baba was a spiritual master in western India with a sizable following both in that country and abroad. Beginning......
Mehmed Fuat Köprülü
Mehmed Fuat Köprülü was a scholar, historian, and statesman who made important contributions to the history of......
Mendelssohn, Moses
Moses Mendelssohn was a German Jewish philosopher, critic, and Bible translator and commentator who greatly contributed......
Mercedarian, member of a Roman Catholic religious order founded by St. Peter Nolasco in Spain in 1218 for the purpose......
Mercy, Sisters of
Sisters of Mercy, (R.S.M.), Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in Dublin in 1831 by Catherine Elizabeth......
Mesrop Mashtots, St.
St. Mesrop Mashtots ; Western feast day, Thursday following 4th Sunday after Pentecost, and Monday following 3rd......
Miltiades, St.
St. Miltiades ; feast day December 10) was the pope from 311 to 314. Miltiades became the first pope after the......
mingqi, funerary furniture or objects placed in Chinese tombs to provide the deceased with the same material environment......
Minim, an order of friars founded in 1435 by St. Francis of Paola in Calabria, Italy. Members consider humility......
Mira Bai
Mira Bai was a Hindu mystic and poet whose lyrical songs of devotion to the god Krishna are widely popular in northern......
miracle, extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or......
missal, type of book containing the prayers, important chants, responses, and necessary instructions for the celebration......
Molcho, Solomon
Solomon Molcho was a martyr who announced the messiah, arousing the expectations of European Jews. The son of Marrano......
moon worship
moon worship, adoration or veneration of the moon, a deity in the moon, or a personification or symbol of the moon.......
mortal sin
mortal sin, in Roman Catholic theology, the gravest of sins, representing a deliberate turning away from God and......
Moses De León
Moses De León was a Jewish Kabbalist and presumably the author of the Sefer ha-Zohar (“Book of Splendour”), the......
mourning, formal demonstration of grief at the death of a person, practiced in most societies. Mourners are usually......
Mullā Ṣadrā
Mullā Ṣadrā was a philosopher, who led the Iranian cultural renaissance in the 17th century. The foremost representative......
multiple souls
multiple souls, widely distributed notion, especially in central and northern Asia and Indonesia, that an individual’s......
mummy, body embalmed, naturally preserved, or treated for burial with preservatives after the manner of the ancient......

Spirituality Encyclopedia Articles By Title