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1 cap /ˈkæp/ noun
plural caps
1 cap
plural caps
Britannica Dictionary definition of CAP
: a small, soft hat that often has a hard curved part (called a visor) that extends out over your eyes
see also baseball cap
: a covering for a person's head that is worn for a special purpose
see also thinking cap
: a hat that people with particular jobs wear while working
: a part or object that covers the end or top of something
: a part that forms the top of something
: a limit on the amount of money that can be spent, given, charged, etc., for something
: a paper or metal container that holds an explosive substance
informal : a capital letter usually plural
: a hard substance that is shaped to look like a healthy tooth and used to cover a damaged tooth
British, sports
: an opportunity to play for your school or country
: a player chosen to play for a country's team
British : diaphragm 3

a feather in your cap

see 1feather

cap in hand

see 1hand

if the cap fits

British or if the cap fits, wear it
used to say that something said about a person is true and the person should accept it as true

tip your cap

see 1tip
2 cap /ˈkæp/ verb
caps; capped; capping
2 cap
caps; capped; capping
Britannica Dictionary definition of CAP
[+ object]
: to cover the top or end of (something)
: to put a cap on (something)
: to end (something) in usually an exciting or impressive way
often + off in U.S. English
: to follow (something) with something that is better, worse, etc.
: to prevent (something) from increasing : to put an upper limit on (something)
British : to put a limit on the amount of money that can be spent by (a group)
: to cover (a tooth) with a hard material that is shaped to look like a healthy tooth : to put a cap on (a tooth)
British, sports : to choose (someone) to play for a national team usually used as (be) capped