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1 feather /ˈfɛðɚ/ noun
plural feathers
1 feather
plural feathers
Britannica Dictionary definition of FEATHER
: any one of the light growths that make up the outer covering of the body of a bird

a feather in your cap

: an achievement or honor that you can be proud of

of a feather

: of the same kind or nature usually used in the phrase birds of a feather
◊ The expression birds of a feather flock together means that people who are alike tend to do things together.

ruffle feathers

see 1ruffle

— feathered

/ˈfɛðɚd/ adjective

— featherless

2 feather /ˈfɛðɚ/ verb
feathers; feathered; feathering
2 feather
feathers; feathered; feathering
Britannica Dictionary definition of FEATHER
[+ object]
: to put a feather in or on (something)

feather your (own) nest

: to make yourself richer in a dishonest or improper way : to do things to increase your own wealth, comfort, etc.

tar and feather

see 2tar