“Four Dead in Ohio”: remembrance
- Date:
- May 4, 1970
- Location:
- United States
- On the Web:
- BBC - Kent State shootings: The 1970 student protests that shook the US (Feb. 15, 2025)
Every year since 1971 the anniversary of the shooting has been commemorated with a solemn candlelit procession around the campus that begins at the Victory Bell at 11:00 pm on May 3. The walk is followed by an all-night vigil at the sites where the students fell and with commemorative programming that begins on May 4 at 12:24 pm, the time of the shooting. Over the years, speakers at the event have included such icons of 1960s-era activism and dissent as Julian Bond, Ron Kovic, William Kunstler, John Lewis, Daniel Ellsberg, Bella Abzug, Stokely Carmichael, David Dellinger, and Noam Chomsky. In 2000 the university also began to commemorate the shooting by hosting an annual (now biennial) symposium on democratic values.
On-campus memorials to the shooting include a plaque in the Prentice Hall parking lot (the original version of which was donated in 1971 by B’nai B’rith Hillel Jewish Services Center—three of students killed were Jewish), an abstract sculpture by Alastair Granville-Jackson titled The Kent Four, four stained glass windows depicting sunbursts in the university library, and the May 4 Memorial, designed by architect Bruno Ast, which overlooks the Commons and includes a 70-foot- (213-meter-) wide plaza, four embedded black granite discs, and four freestanding pylons and is surrounded by more than 58,000 daffodils, representing the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the Vietnam War.
The memory of the May 4 tragedy was almost instantly preserved in the popular song “Ohio” by the rock group Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, which was released less than two weeks after the event. Written by Neil Young after he read the Life magazine account of the shooting, quickly recorded by the group, and rushed into production, the single was packaged in a sleeve that reproduced the portion of the Bill of Rights dealing with freedom of assembly. The shooting also had a galvanizing effect on a pair of then Kent State art students, Mark Mothersbaugh and Jerry Casale, who reacted to what they saw as its inhumanity by forming the new wave band Devo, grounded in a concept they called “de-evolution,” the regression of the human species. (Chrissie Hynde, later founder of the band the Pretenders, also was a Kent State student and witness to shooting-related events.)
Controversy attended another commemorative sculpture, Abraham and Isaac, which had been commissioned from George Segal by the Mildred Andrews Foundation for donation to the university. The provocative bronze sculpture—depicting the biblical story of a father who is commanded by God to kill his son to prove his loyalty—was deemed “inappropriate” by the Kent State board of trustees. It was then donated instead to Princeton University, where it now stands.
Controversy and a new round of activism and protest erupted in 1977 when construction was set to begin on an annex for the university’s Memorial Gym that was to be located partly on the former football practice field, sacred ground in the eyes of some observers. In addition to many rallies and demonstrations, the Move the Gym/May 4 Coalition movement’s ultimately unsuccessful opposition to the building included a 62-day “Tent City” occupation of the construction site that was ended by a court order that resulted in the arrest of 194 protestors.
The legacy of the shooting was recognized by the federal government in January 2017, when some 17 acres (6.8 hectares) of the Kent State campus—including the Commons, Blanket Hill, the Prentice Hall parking lot, and the practice field—were declared a National Historic Landmark. In 1971 Kent State had attempted to create a living memorial to the events of May 4 by establishing the Center for Peaceful Change (now the Center for Applied Conflict Management), which offers a degree program in peace and conflict studies. In May 2013 the May 4 Visitors Center was established in Taylor Hall to tell the story of the shooting as well as the political and cultural changes that led up to it.
Jeff Wallenfeldt