By early June 2009 more than 25,000 cases and nearly 140 deaths from H1N1 flu had been reported worldwide, the majority of deaths having occurred in Mexico and the greatest number of cases—more than 13,000—having appeared in the United States. The continued spread of the virus across multiple regions of the world prompted WHO to announce to its member countries on June 11, 2009, that it was raising the H1N1 flu pandemic alert from level 5 to level 6. This meant that the ongoing outbreak was officially declared a pandemic.
Prior to the announcement, an upsurge in cases had occurred in Chile, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom. The H1N1 flu pandemic was the first influenza pandemic to be declared since the 1968 outbreak of Hong Kong flu, which caused more than 750,000 deaths. However, despite the actuation of disease-control strategies determined to prevent the further spread of H1N1 flu, by late August 2009, six months into the outbreak, a total of 209,450 cases and nearly 2,200 deaths had been reported globally.
In mid-September in the United States, H1N1 flu activity increased dramatically, and 48 states reported widespread influenza-like illness by late October. This increase in disease activity was expected, however, since autumn traditionally marks the onset of the seasonal influenza season in the Northern Hemisphere. During the summer, in preparation for an increase in H1N1 activity, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had secured resources for the production of 120 million doses of vaccine, expecting that the full stock would be available by mid-October. However, only about 11 million doses had been delivered by that time, and delays in vaccine production left a large percentage of the population susceptible to infection.
On October 24 U.S. Pres. Barack Obama declared the H1N1 flu outbreak a national emergency. The move was intended to ensure that, though faced with inadequate vaccine supplies, other federal resources would be available to support emergency measures, including the reimbursement of medical centres that set up treatment tents to facilitate H1N1 response efforts. At the time of Obama’s announcement, the number of laboratory-confirmed H1N1 cases and deaths worldwide had increased to some 415,000 and 5,000, respectively.
In the United States the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) periodically published updates on the number of H1N1 cases and deaths in that country. In late 2009 the CDC adjusted their methodology in assessing H1N1 data to account for affected individuals who had not sought medical care and who therefore had not undergone laboratory testing, which had formed the basis for earlier pandemic tracking in the country. The adjusted approach was believed to more accurately portray the actual impact of the outbreak in the United States. Based on this method, the CDC estimated that from April 2009 through mid-April 2010 between 8,870 and 18,300 deaths, between 43 million and 89 million cases, and between 195,000 and 403,000 H1N1-related hospitalizations had occurred in the United States.
On Aug. 10, 2010, Chan announced that the outbreak was no longer a level 6 pandemic. The change in status was made in response to the reduced intensity of local H1N1 outbreaks, which had come to resemble seasonal influenza, as well as to increased levels of acquired immunity against infection within communities and improved vaccination coverage worldwide.
The H1N1 virus
The influenza A H1N1 virus that caused the 2009 pandemic was suspected to have originated in pigs, although this remains a point of speculation. Because the virus was made up of genes from two strains of swine influenza virus as well as genes from human and avian influenza viruses, researchers concluded that it evolved through a process known as genetic reassortment. During reassortment, the three different types of influenza viruses—swine, human, and avian—presumably infected the same host and underwent an exchange of genetic material, thereby giving rise to the pandemic H1N1 strain. The details of how and when this occurred, however, are not clear.
Similar to all other influenza viruses, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic subtype was named for the composition of the proteins hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) that form its viral coat. Although the pandemic virus was similar to the influenza viruses that circulate among humans seasonally, the pandemic subtype possessed unique antigens (molecules that stimulate an immune response, primarily through the production of antibodies).