Augustin-Louis Cauchy: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Augustin-Louis, Baron Cauchy
Born August 21, 1789 • ParisFrance
Died May 23, 1857 (aged 67) • France
Subjects Of Study calculuscomplex variableelasticityerrorinfinitesimal

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John Wallis, oil painting after a portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
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Jacques-Salomon Hadamard
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Lebesgue, portrait by an unknown artist, 1929
Henri-Léon Lebesgue
French mathematician
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Charles-François Sturm, pencil sketch by Daniel Colladon, 1822; in the Academy of Sciences, Paris.
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Understanding Newton's theory of universal gravitation
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Johann Bernoulli, oil painting by Johann Jakob Meyer, 1720; in a private collection
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Karl Weierstrass, engraving after a photograph by Franz Kullrich.
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