Ayyūb: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Najm al-Dīn Ayyūb ibn Shādhī
Died 1173
House / Dynasty Ayyubid dynasty
Notable Family Members son Saladin

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
president of Turkey
Theōdūrus Abū Qurrah
Syrian bishop
Ibn Kathīr
Muslim scholar
Bo Xilai
Chinese politician
Oskar Lafontaine
German politician
Kenneth A. Gibson
American politician
Beatrice Webb
British economist
Ernest N. Morial
American politician
Richard Lugar
United States senator
Kurt Schmoke
American politician
William S. Cohen
United States senator and secretary of defense
Frank Rizzo
American politician
Richard Arrington Jr.
American politician
Bob Martinez
American politician
Sidney Webb
British economist
Francis H. Pierpont
American politician
Montgomery Blair
United States government official
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
president of United States
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
president of Russia