Jean-Felix Piccard: Facts & Related Content

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Born January 28, 1884 • BaselSwitzerland
Died January 28, 1963 (aged 79) • MinneapolisMinnesota
Notable Family Members brother Auguste Piccard
Subjects Of Study cosmic raystratosphereballoon


Auguste Piccard, 1961
Auguste Piccard
Swiss-Belgian physicist
Theodore von Kármán
Theodore von Kármán
American engineer
Ben L. Abruzzo
American balloonist
Maxie Anderson
American balloonist
Albert W. Stevens
American aerial photographer
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier
French aviator
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Russian scientist
Blanchard, Jean-Pierre-François
Jean-Pierre Blanchard
French balloonist
Eckener, 1931
Hugo Eckener
German aeronautical engineer
Charles Green, detail of an engraving by Hilaire Le Dru, 1835
Charles Green
British balloonist
Nicolas-Louis Robert
French inventor
Wilbur Wright
American aviator
Orville Wright
American aviator
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Wright brothers
American aviators
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh
American aviator
Jack Parsons
Jack Parsons
American rocket scientist and chemist
Richard E. Byrd.
Richard E. Byrd
American explorer
Igor Sikorsky
Igor Sikorsky
American engineer
Wernher von Braun
Wernher von Braun
German-born American engineer
