Joy Paul Guilford: Facts & Related Content

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Born March 7, 1897 • Nebraska
Died November 26, 1987 (aged 90) • Los AngelesCalifornia
Subjects Of Study colourpsychological testingperception

L. L. Thurstone
American psychologist
Sir Cyril Burt
British psychologist
Ewald Hering
German physiologist and psychologist
Edwin Herbert Land
American inventor and physicist
James J. Gibson
American psychologist and philosopher
James McKeen Cattell
James McKeen Cattell
American psychologist
George S. Klein
American psychologist
Robert M. Yerkes
American psychologist
Henri Tajfel
Polish-born British social psychologist
Max Wertheimer
Czech-born psychologist
Gustav Fechner
German philosopher and physicist
Wolfgang Köhler
German psychologist
Kurt Koffka, c. 1928.
Kurt Koffka
German psychologist
Eleanor Glueck
American criminologist
Sheldon Glueck
American criminologist
Harry F. Harlow
American psychologist
John Money
American psychologist
William Moulton Marston
American psychologist
William James
William James
American psychologist and philosopher
Leon Festinger
American psychologist