Richard, baron von Krafft-Ebing: Facts & Related Content

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Born August 14, 1840 • MannheimGermany
Died December 22, 1902 (aged 62) • near GrazAustria
Subjects Of Study psychopathologyhuman sexual activity

William H. Masters
American physician
Karl Jaspers
Karl Jaspers
German philosopher
Magnus Hirschfeld
Magnus Hirschfeld
German physician
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
Austrian psychoanalyst
Alfred Adler.
Alfred Adler
Austrian psychiatrist
Harry Benjamin
American endocrinologist and sexologist
Virginia E. Johnson
Virginia E. Johnson
American sex therapist
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Indian spiritual leader
Havelock Ellis
Havelock Ellis
British essayist and physician
Hermann Rorschach
Swiss psychiatrist
Alfred Kinsey
Alfred Kinsey
American scientist
Ellen Key.
Ellen Key
Swedish writer
Théodule-Armand Ribot
French psychologist
Oskar Minkowski
German physiologist
Henry Melchior Mühlenberg
American clergyman
Marcel Schlumberger
German geophysicist
Johann Christoph Blumhardt
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Pina Bausch
German ballet dancer and choreographer