Richard Owen Cambridge: Facts & Related Content

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Born February 14, 1717 • LondonEngland
Died September 17, 1802 (aged 85) • TwickenhamEngland
Notable Works “Scribleriad”

Portrait of poet Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope
English author
Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift
Anglo-Irish author and clergyman
Thomas Parnell, detail of an engraving
Thomas Parnell
Irish author
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson
English author
William Blake
William Blake
British writer and artist
D.H. Lawrence
D.H. Lawrence
English writer
John Donne
English poet
Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold
British critic
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
English poet
Thomas Babington Macaulay, detail of an oil painting by J. Partridge, 1840; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay
English politician and author
Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison
English author
Newman, John Henry
St. John Henry Newman
British theologian
Graham Greene
Graham Greene
British author
Southey, detail of a pencil and watercolour portrait by R. Hancock, 1796; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
Robert Southey
English author
John Gay, oil painting by William Aikman; in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh.
John Gay
British author
Chesterton, G.K.
G.K. Chesterton
British author
Leigh Hunt, detail of a watercolour and gouache on ivory by Margaret Gillies, 1838–46; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
Leigh Hunt
British author
Hilaire Belloc
British author
Sir Stephen Spender
English poet
Samuel Daniel
British author
