Sergius: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Ivan Nikolayevich Stragorodsky
Born January 23, 1867 • ArzamasRussia
Died May 15, 1944 (aged 77) • MoscowRussia

Murray, John Courtney
American theologian
Feofan Prokopovich
Russian-Ukrainian theologian and writer
Russian patriarch
Nikolay Aleksandrovich Berdyayev
Russian philosopher
Saint Tikhon
Russian Orthodox patriarch
Sergey Nikolayevich Bulgakov
Russian economist and theologian
Antony Khrapovitsky
Russian archbishop
Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk
Russian Orthodox abbot and theologian
Russian Orthodox theologian
Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky
Russian theologian
St. Anselm of Canterbury
St. Anselm of Canterbury
archbishop and philosopher
Gregory IX consecrating the chapel of St. Gregory, detail of a fresco, 13th century; in the lower church of Sacro Speco, Subiaco, Italy
Gregory IX
Sarpi, detail of a portrait (the black spot on his face covers the scar from an unsuccessful attempt on his life in 1607); in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Eng.
Paolo Sarpi
Italian theologian
Erastus, portrait by Tobias Stimmer, 1582; in the Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switz.
Thomas Erastus
Swiss physician and theologian
Suárez, Francisco
Francisco Suárez
Spanish theologian and philosopher
Isidore Of Kiev
Greek Orthodox patriarch
St. Edmund
St. Edmund of Abingdon
archbishop of Canterbury
Petro Mohyla
Orthodox theologian
Richard Rothe
German theologian