Süleyman the Magnificent: Facts & Related Content


Also Known As Muhteşem • Süleyman I • Kanuni • Süleyman the Lawgiver • Süleyman Kanuni • Süleyman Muhteşem
Born c.November 1494
Died November 5, 1566 or November 6, 1566 • near SzigetvárHungary
Title / Office sultan (1520-1566), Ottoman Empire
Notable Family Members spouse Roxelana
Role In Battle of MohácsSiege of RhodesSiege of Vienna

Did You Know?

  • S�leyman ruled at the same time as King Henry VIII of England as well as the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
  • S�leyman wrote poetry that is still highly acclaimed.
  • Under S�leyman, advances were made in textiles, ceramics, the painting of manuscripts, and calligraphy.


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