manufacturing: Facts & Related Content

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Global Manufacturing Expands for Second Month, Input Costs Rise Mar. 3, 2025, 4:40 AM ET (Bloomberg)


Also Known As secondary industry



Key People

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
American industrialist
Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine Lavoisier
French chemist
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
American businessman
Robert Owen
Robert Owen
British social reformer
George M. Pullman
George M. Pullman
American industrialist and inventor
Alfred Nobel
Alfred Nobel
Swedish inventor
James Watt
James Watt
Scottish inventor
Igor Sikorsky
Igor Sikorsky
American engineer
Walter P. Chrysler
Walter P. Chrysler
American engineer and automobile manufacturer
Howard Hughes
Howard Hughes
American manufacturer, aviator, and motion-picture producer
James B. Eads
James B. Eads
American engineer
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie
American industrialist and philanthropist
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney
American inventor and manufacturer
Oliver Evans.
Oliver Evans
American inventor
Bill Gates
Bill Gates
American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist
Cyrus McCormick
Cyrus McCormick
American industrialist and inventor
Bracket clock with oak case, ebony veneer, and gilt bronze mounts by Thomas Tompion, c. 1690; in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Thomas Tompion
English clockmaker
Olive Ann Beech
American businesswoman
Morita Akio
Japanese businessman
Chippendale, Thomas: drawing of a combined desk and bookcase
Thomas Chippendale
British cabinetmaker
