Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can affect one’s thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors. People with the disorder usually experience a combination of psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorderly behavior. Because schizophrenia is widely portrayed in an inaccurate manner in entertainment media, there are many false beliefs about the disorder that contribute to the serious stigma attached to it. Here are five of the most common misconceptions about schizophrenia.

  • Myth: Schizophrenia makes people dangerous.

    Even though the majority of individuals with schizophrenia are not violent, a substantial portion of the population believes them to be dangerous, a negative perception possibly stemming from media portrayals of the disorder. Researchers found that the vast majority of movies featuring individuals with schizophrenia portrayed them as homicidal maniacs or committing violent acts. However, because of the disorder’s stigma, people with schizophrenia are more likely to be harmed by others than commit harm themselves.

    Although some research has found that individuals with schizophrenia are an estimated four to seven times more likely to commit violent crimes compared with the general population, many studies have shown that the risk does not arise from the psychotic symptoms themselves but occurs in patients with confounding variables associated with violence, such as substance abuse, which exist regardless of the presence of schizophrenia.

  • Myth: Schizophrenia makes people hear violent and threatening voices.

    Schizophrenia’s presentation can look very different from person to person and includes a variety of symptoms. Some people experience auditory hallucinations and other types of sensory delusions that may include hearing what sounds like voices.

    The stereotype often found in the media is that a character with schizophrenia hears a menacing voice in their head, telling them to do violent things. However, research suggests that people’s interpretation of their auditory hallucinations may be influenced by their culture. Although people with schizophrenia in the United States were more likely to report hateful and threatening voices, those in India and Ghana reported predominantly positive experiences with their voices. One possible explanation for the difference is societal influences. In an individualist society like the United States, the voices were seen as intrusive to one’s private world, while those in collectivist societies emphasizing community were more comfortable generating relationships with their voices.

  • Myth: People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities.

    Even though schizophrenia has a wide variety of symptoms, creating separate personalities is not one of them. Part of this myth’s origin stems from the term schizophrenia itself. The name of the disorder comes from the Greek roots schizien, “to split,” and phrēn, which means “mind.” Together, they literally mean “split mind,” which originally referred to the separation between thoughts that commonly occurs in the minds of individuals with schizophrenia.

    However, the idea of a “split mind” is sometimes misinterpreted as a split between personalities. While one of schizophrenia’s defining symptoms is the presence of delusions and psychosis, having multiple personalities is not considered part of the disorder. Those circumstances would fall under a different condition called dissociative identity disorder, formerly called multiple personality disorder, which is characterized by having two or more distinct personalities and involves a marked discontinuity in one’s sense of self and agency. Despite these differences, there can be considerable symptom overlap between the conditions, which can make differentiating between diagnoses difficult.

  • Myth: People with schizophrenia require long-term or lifelong hospitalization.

    Because of the stigma schizophrenia holds, a common misbelief is that someone who is diagnosed with schizophrenia cannot be a well-functioning member of society. While there is no “silver bullet” cure for schizophrenia, there are a number of treatments to help people live with the disorder. Many different kinds of antipsychotic medications can reduce the frequency and intensity of symptoms.

    Other remedies that often go along with medications are psychosocial treatments. These involve talk therapy, skill-learning programs, and other treatments to help patients deal with symptoms in everyday life. Through these treatments, people with schizophrenia are able to live typical lives.

  • Myth: Schizophrenia occurs randomly and equally across all populations.

    Believe it or not, there are a number of seemingly random factors associated with developing schizophrenia. Growing up in an urban environment is associated with an estimated twofold risk increase in developing schizophrenia. Additionally, the age of one’s father at conception is positively correlated with the risk of developing the disorder. And, oddly enough, the timing of one’s birth could also affect the risk for schizophrenia: those born in the late winter and early spring are more likely to develop the disorder compared with the rest of the population.

    While none of the causal mechanisms have been firmly established, a couple of theories exist to explain each. With urban environments, psychologists have theorized that factors such as pollution and increased exposure to social stress could contribute to the association between schizophrenia and cities. Additionally, in regard to late fatherhood researchers have hypothesized that so-called de novo mutations, alterations in spermatogonial stem cell divisions that occur more often with age, are responsible for the increased risk of mental disorders, including schizophrenia. Finally, studies have found that mothers who contract a virus while pregnant are associated with having children with a higher likelihood of developing schizophrenia. Although further research is necessary, psychologists have theorized that the higher rates of schizophrenia in those born in late winter and early spring may be because of the proximity to the flu season a few months earlier. The combination of these factors and others suggests that the cause of schizophrenia is complex and requires more research to fully uncover.