Chhattisgarh Plain
Chhattisgarh Plain, plain, central India, forming the upper Mahanadi River basin. About 100 miles (160 km) wide, it is bounded by the Chota Nagpur plateau to the north, the Raigarh hills to the northeast, the Raipur Upland to the southeast, the Bastar plateau to the south, and the Maikala Range to the west. Moving from the eastern and southeastern margin of the plain toward the interior, the vegetation changes from moist deciduous to dry deciduous, often degenerating into scrub.
A vast undulating tract, the plain consists of rich rice fields. Cotton and oilseeds are the important commercial crops of the region. Extensive coal deposits and substantial deposits of iron ore, bauxite, manganese, and commercial clays have aided its development.
Bhilai, Bilaspur, Raipur, Raigarh, and Durg are the chief commercial centres. Korba, Nandgaon, and Rajgarh are other developing urban centres. Much of the region’s interior remains undeveloped. Its isolation and difficult terrain have led to its residents’ demand for administrative decentralization, with Raipur as a regional centre.

The name Chhattisgarh (“Thirty-Six Forts”) was formerly applied to the territory of the Haihaya dynasty of Ratanpur, founded about 750 ce, and the plain long remained an isolated protected area. Under British rule the Chhattisgarh states consisted of a subagency of 14 feudatory princely kingdoms under the Eastern States Agency. Raipur was the agency headquarters.