- Burmese:
- Ayeyarwady
The peoples living on the river’s banks are culturally diverse. On the upper reaches, the Kachin, who practice shifting agriculture, predominate. In the middle and lower basins, the Burmese are the dominant group, cultivating wheat, cotton, and oilseeds in the central dry zone and rice and jute to the south and in the delta region, where rainfall is more plentiful. Also to the south, and particularly in the delta proper, a considerable minority of Karen and some Indians are to be found among the Burmese majority. In addition, a small number of both rural and urban Chinese are scattered throughout the river’s drainage basin.
The main river ports on the Irrawaddy are, from north to south, Myitkyinā, Bhamo, Katha, Mandalay, Myingyan, Chauk, Yenangyaung, Minbu, Magwe, Thayetmyo, Prome, Hinthada, and Yandoon. Of these, Mandalay, Chauk, Prome, and Hinthada have good landing facilities. The remaining ports have landing facilities for only one or two barges or lighters, with the vessels mooring alongside the riverbank in most places. Despite Mandalay’s position as the chief rail and highway focus in northern Myanmar, a considerable amount of passenger and goods traffic moves by river. The Chindwin valley has no railroad and relies heavily on river transport. Chauk, downstream from the confluence in the oil-field district, is a petroleum port. Like Mandalay to the north and Prome, about 140 miles (225 km) to the south, it is linked to Yangon by road and rail. Hinthada, near the apex of the delta, is the rail junction for lines leading to Kyangin and Bassein (Pathein). A ferry operates between Hinthada on the west bank and the railway station at Tharrawaw on the east bank.
Commercial transportation on the Irrawaddy is maintained for about 800 miles (1,300 km): from Hinthada to Bhamo (670 miles [1,080 km]) throughout the year but from Bhamo to Myitkyinā (125 miles [200 km]) for only seven months. More than 2,000 miles (3,200 km) of navigable waterways exist in the Irrawaddy delta. On the Chindwin River, transportation is carried on by steam or diesel vessels throughout the year up to Homalin—about 400 miles (640 km) from its confluence with the Irrawaddy. Seasonal navigation is carried on into Tamanthi, which is 57 river miles (92 km) above Homalin.
Because the Irrawaddy delta is one of the world’s major rice-growing areas, rice is a major item of commerce on the river. Also transported are other foodstuffs, petroleum, cotton, and local commodities. Teak logs—of which Myanmar is the world’s major exporter—are floated downstream as large rafts. In the delta region, the rice is carried in small boats to local markets, whence it is shipped to Yangon for export.
The main crossing of the Irrawaddy is the Ava Bridge, which spans the river near Mandalay. Another important bridge crosses the river at Hinthada and connects the western delta with Yangon.
Although the Irrawaddy has been little used for irrigation in the central dry zone, its tributary, the Mu River, has been used for this purpose since the 9th century. The Mu Valley Irrigation Project is among the largest in the country. It permits the dry-season cropping of corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), sesame, wheat, cotton, millet, and other dry crops. About one-sixth of the total rice grown in Myanmar comes from the irrigated areas of Mandalay, Sagaing, and Magwe divisions. The river itself also serves to irrigate the delta during the dry season.
As the principal axis of the old Myanmar kingdom, the Irrawaddy River has shaped the country’s history, settlement patterns, and economic development. As early as the 6th century, the ancestors of the Burmese arrived from the China-Tibet border area. Using the Irrawaddy as a means of transport, they gradually spread onto the Kyaukse plain and became the major power in the rice-growing region of the north. The Burmese fortified the town of Pagan and eventually gained control over the Irrawaddy and Sittang river valleys and the trade routes between India and China. During the 12th century the town supported a flourishing civilization through rice cultivation and a well-developed network of irrigation canals.
In the 13th century, both the Shan and the Mongols defeated Myanmar armies, and the area dissolved into a number of states, though Burmese kingdoms intermittently reunified the Irrawaddy basin. Beginning in the 16th century, European interests set up trading companies in ports along the coast of Myanmar. By 1886 the British had gained control of Burma (Myanmar) and along with it shipping rights on the Irrawaddy, which also had been sought by the French in an effort to gain a direct route to China.
The British interest was primarily economic, and the opening up of the Irrawaddy delta and the rise of the port of Rangoon (now Yangon) eventually paid off in terms of rice exports. As part of this economic and administrative drive, the British formed the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company in 1865 to convey troops, mail, and stores to riverine stations of British Burma. Starting with four steamers, the company had more than 600 vessels in service by 1940. In 1948 the company was renamed the Inland Water Transport Company. Since then, the service network has declined by half, equipment has become antiquated, and scheduling irregular.
Surinder M. Bhardwaj Thomas R. Leinbach Lewis Owen