Plant and animal life
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Although the natural vegetation of the Mississippi’s immediate valley is the product of climate and soil rather than of the river, the Mississippi’s swamps and backwaters are ecologically noteworthy. Threaded along the river, from the wild-rice marshes of Minnesota to the coastal wetlands of the delta, are pockets of thriving plant-animal associations. There the abundance of natural cover, the comparative isolation, and the food provided by such plants as sedges, pondweeds, and millets encourage regular colonization by waterfowl. The path of these birds, as they move up and down the river with the seasons, has been called the Mississippi Flyway, an appropriate name for the vast aerial highway that reaches from the delta to the distant summer nesting grounds in northern Canada. An estimated eight million ducks, geese, and swans winter in the lower part of the flyway, and many more birds use it en route to Latin America. Typical flyway migrants are Canada geese and lesser snow geese, large numbers of mallard and teal, black ducks, widgeon, pintail and ring-necked ducks, and coots.
The most important varieties of fish found in the river include several types of catfish (some of which grow to considerable size and are fished commercially by local concerns along the middle and lower river); walleyes and suckers, which thrive in the upper river and provide the basis for a sport-fishing industry in Minnesota and Wisconsin; carp; and garfish. Alligators are now rare, found only in the most isolated backwaters, and the shrimp and crab fisheries of the brackish waters are in decline.
Giles Timothy Severin Robert A. Muller Richard H. Kesel Randall J. Schaetzl The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaCultural life
From Mark Twain’s evocative description of the antebellum steamboat era in Life on the Mississippi (1883), which he based on his own experiences as a steamboat pilot, to the nostalgic lyrics of Oscar Hammerstein II’s song “Ol’ Man River” (1927), there is a tremendously rich body of literature and music both about the Mississippi and created by people who have lived along the river.
Literary life on the Mississippi
No artist is more indelibly connected with the river than Twain (born Samuel Clemens), whose nom de plume was derived from a riverman’s phrase for water found to be two fathoms (12 feet, or 3.7 metres) deep (see Researcher’s Note: Origins of the name Mark Twain). Twain grew up on the river in Hannibal, Missouri, and the Mississippi is virtually a character in his classic novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884).
A century later, farther upriver, in St. Paul, Minnesota, author, humourist, and radio host Garrison Keillor drew comparisons to Twain for his variety program, A Prairie Home Companion, and especially its weekly storytelling segment, the “News from Lake Wobegon.” Keillor’s portrait of the fictitious Minnesota town of Lake Wobegon and its citizens was, in turn, similar in its detail to Yoknapatawpha county, the fictionalized Deep South setting of so many of Nobel Prize-winning novelist and short-story writer William Faulkner’s most accomplished works. Lafayette county, Mississippi, the principal inspiration for Yoknapatawpha county and the location of Faulkner’s hometown, Oxford, is itself near the Mississippi.

Another Mississippian, Eudora Welty, set her novel The Robber Bridegroom (1942) and a number of her early short stories in the region along the river between Natchez and Vicksburg, Mississippi. She also reflected on the region’s history in a 1944 essay that was published in book form as Some Notes on River Country (2003). Nobelist playwright Tennessee Williams grew up on the river in St. Louis, where he set The Glass Menagerie (1944), and New Orleans provided the setting for his A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) and Suddenly Last Summer (1958).
River of song: music
As rich as the literary tradition that grew up along the Mississippi is, the river’s musical legacy is arguably even more profound. The music that developed largely has been the product of the cultural cross-pollination of Black and white folk musics and popular styles, with roots in both West Africa and Europe. Growing from the creations of African American slaves who were prevented from maintaining their native musical traditions and felt the need to substitute some homegrown form of musical expression, jazz evolved in the complex cultural mix of New Orleans and traveled up the river, finding its way to cities north and beyond (witness the journeys of jazz pioneers King Oliver and Louis Armstrong). Before the emergence of jazz, the predominant style of American popular music was ragtime, which evolved in the last decades of the 19th century in the playing of honky-tonk pianists along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and reached its apotheosis in the St. Louis-based career of Scott Joplin.
Of similar vintage, rural blues had roots in Georgia, the Carolinas, and Texas, but it was the blues that developed in the Delta region of northwestern Mississippi in the first decades of the 20th century that would arguably have the greatest lasting influence on American popular music. Mississippi Delta blues musicians such as Charley Patton, Eddie (“Son”) House, and Robert Johnson established an acoustic blues tradition that eventually would be famously electrified by Muddy Waters, a Mississippian who made the Great Migration north to Chicago. A still newer style of Black music, rhythm and blues, flourished in New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, and points in between in the 1950s, melding into rock and roll along the way in the hands of Jackie Brenston and Ike Turner, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Chuck Berry, all of whom cut their musical teeth in the region (in the Delta, Memphis, New Orleans, and St. Louis, respectively).
If rock and roll ultimately evolved as a white reading of rhythm and blues by country music-influenced rockabillies, soul was a return to the gospel and blues roots of Black music. Memphis played a pivotal role in both: rockers Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins all initially recorded for Sun Records there, and the city was the focal point of Southern soul—from the raw, deeply emotional recordings made for Stax/Volt by Otis Redding and Sam and Dave in the 1960s to Al Green’s sensual fusion of the sacred and profane in the 1970s. Still another of American popular music’s most-influential artists, singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, spent a brief, formative interlude in the early 1960s on the river, as a student at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, which, later, in the 1980s, became a vibrant music scene that fostered the punk of Hüsker Dü and the Replacements as well as the funk of Prince. The Mississippi’s lasting hold on the imagination—even on artists who lived far from its banks—is perhaps most evident in “Black Water” (1974), the paean to the river by California’s Doobie Brothers:
Jeff WallenfeldtOld black water, keep on rollin’
Mississippi moon, won’t you keep on shinin’ on me?