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Native American population
Before contact with the English, about 3,000 Native Americans inhabited what eventually became New Hampshire. They were organized into clans, semiautonomous bands, and larger tribal entities; the Pennacook, with their central village in present-day Concord, were by far the most powerful of these tribes. The entire Native American population was part of the linguistically unified Algonquian culture that dominated northeastern North America. Tribes living in New Hampshire were mostly of the Algonquian group called the western Abenaki. Disease, war, and migration quickly reduced the population after contact with English settlers. By 1700 few Native Americans resided within colonial boundaries. The primary contemporary reminder of Native American inhabitation is in place-names such as Lake Winnipesaukee, Kancamagus Highway, and Mount Passaconaway.
The English colony
The New Hampshire region was included in a series of grants made by the English crown to Capt. John Mason and others during the 1620s. A fishing and trading settlement was established in 1623, and in 1629 the name New Hampshire, after the English county of Hampshire, was applied to a grant for a region between the Merrimack and Piscataqua rivers. The towns of Dover, Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton were the main settlements.
From 1641 to 1679 the region was administered by the colonial government of Massachusetts. Following territorial and religious disputes between Massachusetts and Mason’s heirs, New Hampshire became a separate royal province in 1679. Bitter boundary feuds with Massachusetts and New York over the part of the New Hampshire grant that became Vermont continued almost until the American Revolution. Benning Wentworth held the post of colonial governor from 1741 to 1767, the longest tenure of any royal governor in any of the colonies.
In 1767 the colony took its first census and reported about 52,700 people. By 1772 the state was divided into five counties, to which five others have been added since 1800. New Hampshire soldiers played an active part in the colonial wars between Great Britain and France from 1689 to 1763. By the end of the colonial period the seat of government was at Portsmouth, and there were 147 chartered towns in the province.
Revolution and statehood
In December 1774 armed resistance to the British broke out at New Castle, where Fort William and Mary (now Fort Constitution State Historic Site) was seized by colonists. The citizens of New Hampshire were overwhelmingly in sympathy with the aims of the revolutionary leaders. The state furnished two brigadier generals to the Continental Army, three regiments of regular troops, and hundreds of short-term militiamen. New Hampshire formed its own state government in January 1776, and in June 1776 it instructed its delegates attending the Continental Congress in Philadelphia to vote for independence. New Hampshire’s vote was the ninth and decisive vote in ratifying the Constitution of the United States in 1788.
Following the establishment of the nation, the state grew rapidly. Agriculture, notably sheep raising, flourished, and manufacturing developed along the fast-flowing rivers, particularly in Manchester. When the railroads came to the Northeast, an extensive rail network was constructed in New Hampshire. Portsmouth and its surrounding towns emerged as shipbuilding centres. In 1846 Manchester became the first incorporated city in the state. New Hampshire was also the birthplace of such noted statesmen as Daniel Webster, Pres. Franklin Pierce, and Salmon P. Chase.
James Duane Squires Jere R. Daniell R. Stuart WallaceThe Gilded Age
New Hampshire played an active role in the American Civil War, both in terms of the numbers of enlisted men and in industry. Such industrial cities and towns as Manchester, Nashua, Claremont, Dover, Newmarket, and Laconia produced blankets, uniforms, shoes, and rifles. In the years after the war, the industrial centres of New Hampshire prospered. Irish, German, and French Canadian workers readily found jobs in the state’s textile mills and tanneries. By the end of the 19th century and early into the 20th, emigrants from northern, central, eastern, and southern Europe joined older immigrant groups. The prosperity of the state’s industrial centres stood in sharp contrast to the general decline in agricultural communities. Farm population dropped, as did the acreage of cleared land in the state. Grains, wool, and meat were brought to New Hampshire cheaply, which forced farmers to switch to the production of such perishable items as dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Rural decline was also relieved by Gilded Age tourism. The era of the grand hotels brought thousands of tourists annually to the White Mountains, the lakes region, or the seacoast. Rural areas were also relieved by commercial logging operations, notably in the northern part of the state. Companies built logging railroads into the heart of the White Mountains, and during the 1880s mills in the boomtown of Berlin were turning logs from the north country into pulp and paper. By the end of the 19th century the Boston and Maine Railroad had become the state’s biggest business, controlling all but 52 of the state’s 1,174 miles (1,889 km) of railroad. Railroad interests also controlled state politics.