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Both amateur and professional productions are presented at the Confederation Centre of the Arts, a multifunctional arts complex in Charlottetown that contains a large auditorium, an art gallery and museum, a children’s theatre, various studios, shops, and a public library. It adjoins historic Province House, which is known as the birthplace of Canadian confederation. Since 1965 the centre has played host to both the Charlottetown Festival, a celebration of theatre, and the popular and long-running main-stage musical Anne of Green Gables—The Musical. That musical is based on a novel by Prince Edward Island native Lucy Maud Montgomery. A wide variety of programs related to the fine arts, history, and science are presented at the Eptek Art and Culture Centre in Summerside.
Charlottetown and other communities benefit from the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, with its network of regional facilities and cultural programs. The public library system has community branches and a mobile service. Several art galleries and small theatres operate outside Charlottetown. A multicultural festival is presented annually, and there are regional folk festivals, exhibitions, plowing matches, fiddling contests, and Highland Games. The annual music festival attracts thousands of participants from the schools of the province. The Evangeline district of Summerside has a reconstructed Acadian Village, a cultural centre, and a museum.
Sports and recreation
Facilities and programs for sports and recreation are abundant. Most notable among them is the Prince Edward Island National Park, which extends along the Gulf of St. Lawrence for nearly 25 miles (40 km). Every sizable community has an ice-skating rink; and golf courses, baseball and football (soccer) fields, and basketball courts are scattered throughout the island. All major sports are organized into leagues, and island athletes compete in regional and national meets. Harness races are run year-round and culminate in the Gold Cup and Saucer event as part of Old Home Week in August.
Media and publishing
The main provincial newspaper is The Guardian, which publishes daily. The Journal Pioneer, another daily paper, has a more local focus, as do the weekly Eastern Graphic, West Prince Graphic, and La Voix Acadienne (the last in French). In 1956 Prince Edward Island became the last province to get a dedicated television service from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. CBCT (originally CFCY) remains the only television station originating programming on the island.
Before European colonization, Mi’kmaq Indians from the mainland used the island for fishing, hunting, and some planting in the warmer seasons. Vikings may have visited Prince Edward Island about 1000 ce. Basque fishers landed there in the early 1500s. John Cabot, the English-sponsored Genoese-Venetian explorer, may have seen the island in 1497, but historians credit its discovery to Jacques Cartier, the French navigator, in June 1534. It was claimed for France in 1603 by Samuel de Champlain, the first governor of French Canada (who called it Île Saint-Jean), but it was not colonized until 1720, when 300 settlers from France established Port la Joie at the entrance to the harbour of Charlottetown. In addition, fishers and trappers from the French-speaking mainland colony of Acadia established several other small communities on the island. The French regime lasted only 38 years before the British occupied the island in 1758, dispersing more than 3,500 of the settlers.
The island was formally ceded to Great Britain following the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Six years later the colony was separated from Nova Scotia, and its first British governor, Walter Patterson, was appointed. Under British administration the island was surveyed and divided into three counties, each with a township and royalty, and 67 lots or townships of about 20,000 acres (8,000 hectares) each. In 1767, proprietors, who were expected to promote settlement, were awarded 64 of these lots by ballot, and for the next century absentee-landlord problems beset the colony. Representative government was granted in 1851, and the Land Purchase Act of 1875 ended the controversial land tenure system. By 1900 the population had reached 100,000.
In 1864 a conference called to discuss the Maritime Provinces’ union prepared the way for the confederation of all the Canadian provinces. This Charlottetown Conference was the forerunner of the Quebec Conference of 1864, which actually resulted in the founding of the Dominion of Canada. Prince Edward Island has thus been known as the “Cradle of Confederation,” even though it did not finally join the union until 1873, when forced to do so by severe financial troubles. James C. Pope became the first provincial premier for Prince Edward Island as a part of the confederation.
Resourceful politicians then persuaded the federal government to make concessions that enabled the province to purchase the lands still held by foreign proprietors and resell them to resident farmers, to assume the debt of the island railway, and to obtain assurance of continuous communication with the mainland. Despite these advantages of confederation, the economy of Prince Edward Island remained dependent on federal assistance through most of the 20th century and into the 21st. An ambitious “top-down” economic development plan, supported by the federal government, was launched in 1969 and was concluded in 1984. This plan provided infrastructure funding for new schools and highways, opened new markets for farm and fish products, attracted some manufacturing companies, and expanded the tourism sector. More recently, the provincial government has encouraged investment in aerospace, bioscience (agriculture and fisheries), information technology, and renewable energy industries.
Brendan Anthony O'Grady Godfrey Baldacchino