Venezuelan Cordillera
mountains, South America
Also known as: Venezuelan Andes
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Andes Mountain Ranges
- In mountain: The Andes
…into Venezuela as the “Venezuelan Andes,” is being underthrust from the northwest by the Maracaibo Basin and from the southeast by the Guiana Shield underlying southeastern Venezuela. Thus the Venezuelan Andes are an intracontinental mountain belt.
Read More - In Andes Mountains: Physiography of the Northern Andes
The Venezuelan Andes are represented by the Cordillera de Mérida (280 miles long, 50 to 90 miles wide, and about 10,000 feet in elevation), which extends in a northeasterly direction to the city of Barquisimeto, where it ends. The cordillera is a great uplifted axis where…
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