Constitutional framework
Washington’s constitution of 1889, reflecting the distrust of government that was characteristic of the time, contained many restrictions on state power. One reflection of this was the creation of a divided executive branch, which has nine elected offices, from the governor and lieutenant governor to the attorney general and state auditor.
The legislature comprises the Senate, with 49 members elected to four-year terms, and the House of Representatives, with 98 members elected to two-year terms. Important limitations on legislative powers include the earmarking of certain funds for specific purposes. Initiative and referendum on legislation and recall of elected officials give the voters a check on the legislature. The governor’s veto power has been expanded to include all legislation, except referenda and initiatives, to the extent of eliminating lines in budget acts or sections of other laws.
The courts are divided into four levels. Courts of limited jurisdiction—justice, municipal, and police—are local and hear traffic cases, minor criminal and civil cases, and small-claims actions. Superior courts are general trial courts, having original jurisdiction in felonies and in civil cases not delegated to the limited courts. The Supreme Court and the appellate courts are almost solely courts of review. All judges, except some classes of appointed municipal and police judges, are elected on nonpartisan ballots. Grand juries, created by a superior court, are used mainly to investigate political corruption, though their legal powers are considerably broader.
The composition of the government in each of Washington’s 39 counties depends upon a population-based classification system established by the legislature. The governing body in most counties is the board of county commissioners, whose three members act as both the chief executive officers and the legislative body for the county. The Optional Municipal Code was adopted in 1969, substantially expanding the powers of cities choosing to come under it. Cities with populations of 10,000 or more can adopt a home-rule charter if such a referendum is approved by the electorate, while municipalities of 300 to 10,000 are granted optional noncharter home rule by statute.
Elections and political parties are regulated by state law. The unique feature of the nomination process in Washington is the “blanket primary,” which replaced the closed primary in 1935 and permits citizens to vote for any candidate without disclosing their party membership. This law reflects a characteristic independence among the state’s voters. Split voting has been reported by three-fourths of the voters in both primaries and final elections.
Washington has a history of political activism and progressivism that dates from the turn of the 20th century, when the radical unionism of the Industrial Workers of the World gained a strong following among the region’s migratory and seasonal workers (loggers, railroad workers, and farm labourers), whom more conventional unions had trouble organizing. Washington has long been a stronghold for the Democratic Party, and overall the state usually favours the Democratic candidate in presidential races. The Republican Party does well in rural and less-affluent areas, such as the traditional lumber-producing regions and east of the Cascades. Seattle and its suburbs tend to be strongly liberal. Democrat Dixie Lee Ray became one of the country’s first women governors (the second elected in her own right and not simply to succeed her husband) when she won the election in 1976, and from the 1980s through the early 21st century the Democratic Party held the governorship, though sometimes by the slimmest of margins. Two of Washington’s notable representatives in the U.S. Congress have been Democrats Warren Magnuson and Henry Martin (“Scoop”) Jackson, who both served from the 1940s until the 1980s, first as members of the House of Representatives and then in the Senate. Jackson also ran for president in 1972 and 1976.
Health and welfare
In 1936, responding to the federal Social Security Act of 1935, the state assumed broad responsibilities for welfare programs. The Department of Social and Health Services administers benefits for children, seniors, and families; it oversees both private and public medical services, including Medicaid, and offers basic health care to low-income families. Washington ranks among the top states in public aid to families with dependent children. Separate agencies provide aid to the blind and to veterans. There are also commissions for human rights and insurance consumer protection. The Employment Security Department assists those who seek jobs and disburses unemployment insurance payments.