Until the 1840s citizens of both the United States and Britain by agreement could settle and trade in what was still known as the Oregon country. In the 1844 presidential election, however, Democratic candidate James K. Polk campaigned on a platform that included a demand that the region be ceded in its entirety to the United States, proclaiming the slogan “Fifty-four forty or fight” (the latitude of Oregon’s northern border with Russian Alaska). In 1846 the two countries compromised and agreed on the present boundary between the United States and Canada (the 49th parallel), and in 1848 Congress established the Oregon Territory, which included all of the present-day states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho as well as parts of Wyoming and Montana. This enormous area was difficult to govern from the territorial capital in the Willamette valley. As the population around Puget Sound grew, agitation arose to form a separate territory of the area north and west of the Columbia. In 1853 Congress created the Washington Territory—named for the first president of the United States—and extended it east of the Columbia River to the crest of the Rockies, including parts of present-day Idaho and Montana.
Different rates of population growth and difficulties of communication continued to cause problems, and various movements called for the creation of a separate territory in eastern Washington and even the creation of an independent Pacific Republic. In the 1870s and ’80s the extension of the telegraph and the railroads to the Northwest strengthened ties with the United States, and attention turned to seeking statehood, granted in 1889.
Gold discoveries in the interior in the 1850s made Walla Walla the centre of eastern Washington for a time, but these were merely a prelude to Washington’s role in provisioning the gold seekers who set out for the Alaskan and Yukon strikes of the late 1890s. The gold stimulated the trade of cities on Puget Sound, and the new prosperity was celebrated at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, held in Seattle in 1909.
The ongoing industrialization and resource extraction that underlay the state’s economy proved fertile ground for militant trade unions, such as the Industrial Workers of the World, and labour unrest, often violent, marked the second decade of the 20th century. Possibly the greatest stimulus to the state’s economic progress during that time was initiated by the development of the Columbia Basin Project and related projects, which greatly increased hydroelectric power and provided the basis for increased irrigation and flood control. A navigation improvement project was authorized as early as 1911, and work began on the Bonneville and Grand Coulee dams in 1933. Construction was completed on Bonneville in 1937 and on the main structure of Grand Coulee in 1941. (Grand Coulee’s generators were not installed until the following year.) The first two Grand Coulee power plants were completed in 1951, and a third power plant began operation in 1975.
Washington’s prosperity and its growing role in the commerce of the Pacific Northwest were among the features celebrated in the Seattle World’s Fair of 1962, named the Century 21 Exposition. Among the developments in the latter half of the 20th century were increased urbanization, consolidation of agricultural landholdings, improved transportation networks, and expanded trade with the Pacific Basin countries. On May 18, 1980, Mount Saint Helens, in the southwestern part of the state, erupted. One of the greatest volcanic explosions ever recorded in North America, it triggered a gigantic landslide that destroyed the north slope and created a plume of ash and gas some 16 miles (26 km) high.
By the 1990s western Washington had emerged as a technological leader at the forefront of a rapidly changing global economy. These developments, coupled with the scenic beauty and other attractions of the state, stimulated an astonishing rate of growth at the end of the 20th century, notably in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. At the end of the 1990s, more than 2.5 million people lived in those counties, and continued population growth was projected through the first decades of the 21st century.
Throughout the 1990s precipitation in the Pacific Slope region was well above historical averages, triggering widespread floods and landslides that resulted in heavy property loss. The traffic problems, social stress, and environmental degradation associated with rapid growth were of much concern to Washingtonians at the beginning of the 21st century, even as the state’s economy continued to expand. Some of these concerns were given expression in 1999 during a weeklong (November 29–December 3) meeting of World Trade Organization ministers in Seattle to negotiate a free-trade agenda. Approximately 50,000 people demonstrated against the environmental and economic effects of increasing globalization in the world economy and in support of sustainability and the interests of the developing world. Police repeatedly used tear gas to disperse the protesters; many arrests were made, and the WTO talks were temporarily disrupted.
Eugene Clark Howard J. Critchfield Gregory Lewis McNameeIn November 2009 Washington voters passed Referendum 71, which publicly reconfirmed a same-sex domestic partnership bill that was passed by the state legislature the previous spring. Termed by its supporters “Everything but Marriage,” the referendum gave state-registered domestic partners all the legal rights of married couples without terming the partnerships “marriages.” The vote was significant in that all previous statewide ballot measures in the United States that would have extended equal marriage rights to same-sex couples—whether the partnerships were called marriage or something else—had failed. In addition, a majority of states had passed through referendum laws or constitutional amendments that explicitly reserved marriage to heterosexual couples. In February 2012 the state legislature legalized full same-sex marriage, making Washington the seventh U.S. state or territory (including Washington, D.C.) to do so, and in November of that year Washington was one of the first three states (with Maryland and Maine) to approve legal gay marriage by popular vote.
Washingtonians continued their record of progressive voting in 2012 when the state became one of the first two (with Colorado) to legalize the sale and recreational use of marijuana. Because of legal entanglements and supply problems, the state’s first marijuana dispensaries did not open until July 2014. In the first year of operations, the legal marijuana industry netted the state over $70 million in tax revenue.
Adam Augustyn