- Related Topics:
- Casuarinaceae
- Myricaceae
- Betulaceae
- Balanopaceae
- Rhoipteleaceae
Fagales are members of the nitrogen-fixing lineage of Rosids that includes the better-known legumes. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed into usable nitrates or ammonium by root-dwelling associates, usually the actinomycete Frankia. The nitrogen-fixing members, such as Alnus (alders), Casuarina (she-oaks), and Myrica (bayberry), often tolerate extreme nutrient-deficient habitats.
Members of Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae form a significant part of the broad-leaved forests characteristic of mid-latitudinal areas of the Northern Hemisphere and parts of the Southern Hemisphere. Much of the mixed deciduous forest region of North America and Europe is dominated by species of Quercus, Fagus, Castanea, Juglans, and Carya. Similarly, the Southern Hemisphere temperate forest is dominated by Nothofagus. In the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, evergreen members of the family thrive in the mixed mountain forests. Betulaceae generally occupy much of the same latitudes as the oak family in the Northern Hemisphere, but they extend into more northern latitudes, where they are often part of forests at the northernmost limit of tree growth. The family extends into South America.
The oaks, walnuts, and birches are sources of some of the world’s most valuable timbers. In both temperate and tropical America, many species of oak provide highly durable timber for use in construction, flooring, veneer, and millwork, as well as in the building of ships and boats. Members of the white oak group, including Q. alba, Q. macrocarpa, and Q. prinus, among others, are especially valued in temperate America. In tropical America as well as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, the southern beech, Nothofagus, is used for flooring, cabinetwork, and millwork; it is an all-purpose timber in Chile. The wood of the genus Castanopsis, while susceptible to decay, is used in India, Malaysia, and the Philippines for general indoor construction. Several species of Lithocarpus provide timber in the same region. Fagus grandifolia (American beech) and Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch) are two of the three most important northern hardwoods of the United States and are widely employed in flooring, veneer, woodenware, and millwork; in the Pacific Northwest the principal wood is A. rubra (red alder). In East Asia F. crenata is an important source of timber. While Castanea dentata (America chestnut) was a highly valued timber in the past, its importance has diminished considerably since the advent of the chestnut blight (the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica). The Asian Castanea crenata and C. henryi, however, are important sources of timber. Juglans nigra (black walnut) and Carya illinoinensis (pecan) are among Juglandaceae that are in great demand for their strength and beauty; however, many natural stands have been depleted.
Since the time of Confucius, cork has been used for a variety of purposes, from insulation to decoration. Commercial cork is obtained almost exclusively from the bark of Q. suber (cork oak), native to and cultivated in the Mediterranean region; however, other species also produce cork. The bark is first stripped from the trees when they are about 20 years old, although the first quality cork is not produced for another 8 to 10 years. Trees may produce cork for an average of 150 years. Oaks are also valuable sources of tannins (chemical compounds valued for, among other things, their ability to condition animal skins into leather). In the United States the bark of Lithocarpus densiflorus (tanbark oak), as well as several species of Quercus, is a source of tannin. The nutgalls produced on many Quercus species are excellent sources of tannin. Other chemical products were obtained at one time; for example, methanol (methyl alcohol), acetic acid, creosote, guaiacol, and tar were extracted from Fagus, and acetic acid was obtained from Q. robur. Several species in the order have been used in dyeing—e.g., Q. velutina in North America and C. crenata (Japanese chestnut) in East Asia.
Many members of Fagales produce edible fruits, some of which have been cultivated since ancient times. The European (Castanea sativa) and Chinese (C. mollissima) chestnuts are economically important crops, although susceptibility to the chestnut blight fungus has somewhat diminished production of C. sativa. In North America both C. dentata (American chestnut) and C. pumila (chinquapin) were used extensively by the native Indians for a variety of foods, from roasted nuts to breads; however, the advent of the blight and the subsequent destruction of vast stands of C. dentata virtually eliminated it as a source of food. Today, most of the commercial orchards in the United States grow cultivars of the Chinese species, and many of the roasted nuts sold in the United States are imported from Italy. Corylus is the source of the filbert, or hazelnut, grown for many centuries in parts of Europe. C. avellana is the source of most commercial nuts. By the 1990s about 70 percent of the world’s crop came from a small area in Turkey along the Black Sea.
Although not a commercial crop, the acorns produced by most species of Quercus (oaks) are edible, but many require some preparation to remove the tannins. In North America acorns were used extensively by the native Indians; the nuts of the “sweet” members of the white oak group were often consumed directly, while the bitter nuts of other species were ground and soaked before being made into mush or bread. Early American farmers valued acorns as a highly nutritional animal feed. During the American Civil War, acorns of the white oak were roasted and used to make a coffee substitute; roasted acorns continue to be used as a coffee substitute. Throughout the world several species are used as feed for livestock and are important to local wildlife populations. The nuts of several Lithocarpus and Castanopsis species are a food source in their home countries of China and Southeast Asia.
Some oak species of East Asia are of indirect importance for humans. The logs of some species are used for the cultivation of edible fungi, especially shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) in Japan. In Tierra del Fuego another edible fungus, Cyttaria darwinii, thrives on Nothofagus species. Some species of Fagales are used for silkworm culture in Asia—for example, Q. aliena and Q. fabri in China; Q. glauca, Q. acutissima, and C. crenata (Japanese chestnut) in Japan; and Q. semecarpifolia in India. Others, such as many species of Fagus, Quercus, Betula, Ostrya, and Corylus, are cultivated as ornamentals for their distinctive form and foliage colour.
The bark of Alnus was used by North American Indians to relieve indigestion, and that of Q. alba has been used to make an extract for treating sore lips and mouth. In England the inner bark of A. glutinosa (black alder) is employed as a mouthwash and as a treatment for inflamed gums or toothache. Both F. grandifolia and F. sylvatica (American and European beeches, respectively) are sources of the antiseptic creosote. Chewing sticks for cleaning teeth are made from the twigs of B. lenta (American black birch, or cherry birch) and B. alleghaniensis (yellow birch) of eastern North America. For many centuries the practice of using ohaguro (“toothblack”) in Japan not only was popular but was believed to preserve teeth and prevent decay; the acorns of Q. cyclophora and the nutgalls of Chinese oaks were often the source of the tannin in this solution. North American Indians used the bark or nutgalls of several Quercus species to combat dysentery; the astringent properties of the tannins served as a powerful medicine.
Casuarina equisetifolia (beefwood, also known as Australian pine) is widely planted in tropical areas around the world for windbreak, firewood, and shingles. Members of Myrica are used to gather wax for bayberry soap, yellow dye, and fish poisons. M. faya is an introduction into Hawaii from Macaronesia (several islands located in the Atlantic Ocean just west of Portugal and northwestern Africa) and has become a serious infestation.
The pollen of almost all the temperate genera of Fagales—Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, and Ostrya in the birch family, and Fagus and especially Quercus in the beech family—have been reported to cause allergic reactions.