lobelia, (genus Lobelia), genus of more than 400 species of flowering plants in the bellflower family (Campanulaceae) native to nearly all the temperate and warmer regions of the world, except central and eastern Europe and western Asia. A number are cultivated as garden ornamentals for their attractive flowers.
Physical description
Lobelia species are annual or perennial herbs or undershrubs, rarely shrubby, although the “tree” lobelias found at high elevations on the mountains of tropical Africa are remarkable arborescent forms. The genus has a great diversity of forms, and species frequently appear dissimilar from each other. However, most members have simple leaves borne alternately along the stems and two-lipped tubular flowers. The flowers generally have five lobes, often with two erect upper lobes and a lower fan formed of the remaining three lobes.
The genus is distinguished from the related Campanula by the irregular corolla and completely united anthers of the flowers and by the excessive acridity of the milky sap.

Major species
The earliest described and figured species appears to be the North American cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), under the name Trachelium americanum sive cardinalis planta, “the rich crimson cardinal’s flower.” English botanist John Parkinson (1629) said, “it groweth neere the riuer of Canada, where the French plantation in America is seated.” It is a native of the eastern United States.
The cardinal flower and several other species are cultivated as ornamental garden plants. Notable among this group is the dwarf blue trailing lobelia (L. erinus) from South Africa, which, with its numerous varieties, forms a familiar bedding plant, much used for edging. The unusual L. tupa, a Chilean perennial 1.8 to 2.4 metres (6 to 8 feet) high, has reddish or scarlet flowers. Slender lobelia (L. tenuior), with blue flowers, is Australian and grown in the greenhouse. Southern lobelia (L. georgiana), from North America, as well as great blue lobelia (L. siphilitica) and its hybrids, also have blue flowers. Various lobelia hybrids constitute a fine group of fairly hardy and showy garden plants.
While most species are in tropical or warm temperate areas, water lobelia (L. dortmanna) occurs throughout the north temperate zone. Similarly, acrid lobelia (L. urens) is found locally in damp pastures in England and western Europe.
Indian tobacco (L. inflata) of North America has been used in medicine—the entire herb, dried and in flower, being employed as an expectorant—but it is now regarded as poisonous. The species derives its specific name from its characteristic inflated capsules. It is somewhat irritating to the nostrils and is possessed of a burning, acrid taste. The chief constituent is a volatile liquid alkaloid named lobeline. Lobeline is pungent, with a tobacco-like odour, and is very dangerous if swallowed. Fatal cases of poisoning are not uncommon, even if only a few leaves or capsules and their seeds are ingested. Milder manifestations include vomiting, nausea, coma, or convulsions.