- Related Topics:
- aquatic plant
- common eelgrass
- Zosteraceae
eelgrass, (genus Zostera), genus of about 15 species of marine plants of the family Zosteraceae. Found in temperate and subtropical climates around the world, these species grow in intertidal and subtidal portions of coastal areas. They provide food and habitat for a wide range of marine organisms and are important as a protective intermediary habitat for young fish before they venture into deeper waters. Historically, common eelgrass (Zostera marina) was an important tidewater plant whose dried leaves were used for packing glass articles and for stuffing cushions.
Physical description
Most species of eelgrass are perennials. They have long alternate leaves that grow from spreading rhizomes and can form large underwater meadows. They are commonly found in estuaries or shallow areas with a muddy or sandy substrate and can grow completely submerged. Most species are monoecious (individuals bear both male and female flowers) and feature underwater pollination. The fruits are bladderlike.
Major species
Common eelgrass, also known as seawrack (Z. marina), is the most widely distributed marine angiosperm in the Northern Hemisphere and is found on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America and Eurasia. Several species are distributed along the northern coasts of Asia, including Z. asiatic, Z. caespitosa, and Japanese eelgrass (Z. japonica). European species include Z. angustifolia and dwarf eelgrass (Z. noltei). One species, Z. capensis, is found along the coasts of Africa, and another, Z. chilensis, is native to the coasts of Chile and is considered an endangered species by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. A number of eelgrasses are variously distributed along Australian coasts, including Z. capricorni, Z. mucronata, garweed (Z. muelleri), Z. nigricaulis, Z. polychlamys, and Z. tasmanica.

Other eelgrasses
Several other aquatic plants are also known as eelgrasses. Surf grasses (Phyllospadix) are found in coastal marine waters of the temperate North Pacific. They are commonly confused with true eelgrasses, to which they are closely related.
Members of the genus Vallisneria are commonly called tape grass or vallis and are referred to as freshwater eelgrass. These perennial herbs grow fully submerged in fresh or brackish water and are native to temperate and tropical waters around the world.
Melissa Petruzzello