- Also called:
- sedum or orpine
- Related Topics:
- Sedum spurium
- white stonecrop
- October plant
- donkey’s-tail
- orpine
stonecrop, (genus Sedum), genus of about 600 species of succulent plants in the family Crassulaceae, native to the temperate zone and to mountains in the tropics. Some species are grown in greenhouses for their unusual foliage and sometimes showy flowers. Low-growing species are popular in rock gardens and rock walls and as edging in garden borders.
Physical description
Members of the genus are perennial, biennial, or annual herbaceous plants and are characterized by their succulent leaves and stems. Some species have waxy leaves, while others are pubescent (covered in leaf hairs). The roots are commonly fibrous and not well developed. The flowers are borne in clusters and can be white, yellow, pink, purple, or reddish in colour. They typically have five petals. Like other plants in the family Crassulaceae, stonecrops use a specialized system of photosynthesis known as Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM).
Major species
Golden stonecrop, or wall-pepper (Sedum acre), white stonecrop (S. album), and Caucasian stonecrop (S. spurium, sometimes Phedimus spurius) are mosslike mat formers often found on rocks and walls. Useful garden ornamentals include the orpine, or livelong (S. telephium), with red-purple flowers; and October plant (S. sieboldii), with pink flowers and blue-green leaves. Mexican stonecrop (S. mexicanum), with yellow flowers, makes a handsome hanging basket, as do several related stonecrops, such as burro’s tail, also called donkey’s tail (S. morganianum), and carpet sedum (S. lineare).