- Related Topics:
- Caryophyllaceae
- rock soapwort
- pygmy pink
- bouncing Bet
soapwort, (genus Saponaria), genus of about 40 species of flowering plants in the pink family (Caryophyllaceae). Soapworts are native to Eurasia, with a number of weedy species that have naturalized elsewhere. A few are cultivated for their attractive flowers.
Physical description
Soapworts are annual or perennial herbs with underground rhizomes. The plants may be erect or spreading. They bear simple leaves that are roughly oval or tapering in shape. The leaves and stems may be waxy or covered in fine hairs. The flowers have five petals and range in colour from white to shades of pink, pale purple, and red. The fruit is a capsule with numerous dark brown seeds.
Major species
A trailing species known as rock soapwort, or tumbling Ted (S. ocymoides), has several cultivated varieties with pink to deep red flower clusters. Pygmy pink (S. pumilio) is a very small alpine specimen sometimes grown in rock gardens.

Common soapwort, or bouncing Bet (S. officinalis), reaching a height of 1 metre (3 feet), is widely naturalized in eastern North America. Its roots have been used medicinally, and its sap is a substitute for soap.