Tree height growth

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The two primary determinants of height growth are the number of height growth units (the node plus its subtending internode) produced during each growing season and elongation of the internodes. This process is sensitive to environmental factors such as water availability, soil quality, and climatic variation, as well as to the time of year when height growth units are initiated and when they elongate. This is correlated with variation in growth hormone production by expanding buds and leaves.

Most north temperate trees form their leaves during the development of the terminal buds of the previous year to some degree (preformers). In these species the number of height growth units for the year is determined to a great extent during the previous year. For example, those of the grand fir (Abies grandis) in the area of Vancouver are preformed in October, so that at spring bud break those height growth units elongate and develop; a new bud is then initiated in July. Thus, the environmental conditions between July and October affect the number and properties of the height growth units that grow out in the current year. Since the leaves are the source of carbohydrates required for, and used in, wood and bark formation, the climate of the previous year also affects the diameter growth of the current year. Examples of preformers are most pines, fir, hickory, spruce, Douglas fir, beech, and oak. Some trees are neoformers, because they form most or all of their leaves in the current year of growth. Examples of this are birch, chestnut, poplar, willow, larch, tulip tree, and some tropical pines. Seedlings will often be neoformers and then become preformers as adults.

The monopodial form of tree growth is maintained by the dominance of the apical buds over the lateral buds. The healthy apical bud produces a sufficient hormonal influence over the lateral buds to keep them suppressed; however, some species abort the terminal bud either annually, as in the basswood (Tilia americana), or occasionally, as in the American birch (Fagus grandifolia). In these cases, the new terminal growth originates from a lateral branch, causing sympodial growth.

Besides terminal buds and axillary buds formed in the axils of leaves, buds may form outside the apical meristem. This is called adventitious growth. When a bole of a tree that has been shaded for a number of years is suddenly exposed to light, new buds, called epicormic buds, may be initiated. Epicormic buds may be adventitious in origin or formed from dormant axillary trace buds. In many cases, buds may grow out that were formed by or outside the shoot meristem but became dormant until induced by environmental factors. Rather unique adventitious buds may develop on roots and grow out as shoots. These are called root suckers; the process is called suckering.

There is also variation in the number of bud flushes per year in temperate as well as tropical trees. Trees like the preformer eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) have a single flush per year followed by formation of a dormant terminal bud. Other species have several flushes per year, but each flush is followed by formation of a terminal bud.

Finally, there are species that have a terminal bud but then extend height growth unit formation throughout the growing season until setting a terminal bud with some of the following year’s leaves at the end of the growing season (mixed model). Some species, such as lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), are polycyclic; they have several flushes from a single bud during the growing season.

Height growth is terminated at the end of the growing season by factors such as the length of day. Occasionally, mild fall weather may induce buds that normally would not flush until the following spring. These are often termed lammas shoots.

Obviously, there is a limit to the height of trees. One observation is that the tallest and most massive trees are found in moist habitats, such as the Pacific Northwest of the United States and tropical rainforests. This suggests that the process of lifting water to the tops of trees may be a major limitation to the development of tree height. The physics of the process would be necessarily complex. If, for example, a vacuum pump was attached to a tall vertical pipe, the pump could pull water up to only a height of approximately 9 metres (30 feet). How then do trees, some of which may be more than 90 metres tall, get water to their tops?

The current consensus is that sap is pulled up from the roots by the leaves. The Dixon cohesion theory of water ascent in trees, named after Irish botanist H.H. Dixon, suggests that water molecules in the trees adhere to each other along columns under tension. The stomata of the leaves, which in most plants are open during the day and closed at night, transpire water from the leaf into the air. As each water molecule leaves, the chain of water molecules is pulled up by one molecule. It therefore can be said that water is pulled up by forces acting in the leaf and is not pushed up to any extent from below.

Tree trunks often shrink in diameter during sunny summer days because of the large amount of water lost from the leaves by transpiration. The trunks will then swell during the night as water is restored to the tree from the soil. Most of the shrinking and swelling takes place in the bark, but some occurs in the wood. The ascent of the water, or sap as it is often called, is a purely physical process requiring the water molecules in each column of water in the tree to cohere. Although the water columns periodically break, there is ample evidence that in many cases they can be restored. Furthermore, as long as there is a sufficient number of water columns left, the tree will still be able to obtain sufficient water to maintain the turgidity of its leaves. As the tree grows taller, however, the problem of maintaining adequate flow of water to the top is thought to become more difficult, because the frequency of column breakage increases as the columns get longer. (The term sap is used for the fluid moving up the tree because it includes not only water but also minerals and a number of dissolved substances such as sugars and amino acids.)

Another factor that is thought to limit tree height is the increased mechanical strength required as a tree becomes larger. Even the largest known trees remain well below the height–diameter ratio that would cause toppling with minimal wind sway. As trees grow taller, they must grow increasingly thicker in order to keep from toppling over. In some trees, especially in moist unstable sites, large buttressed roots spread out and stabilize the tree.

At some point, however, there is a limit to the possible adaptations that can permit increased tree height. Size makes for complexity as morphological and physiological adaptations are stressed to the limit. The phyletic lines of many animal groups, for instance, show examples of extinct ancestors that grew increasingly large until they died off. Similarly in tree heights, a single factor is seldom limiting, but, rather, a combination of factors interact to destabilize the tree. It is clear that large size in animal species has certain reproductive and adaptive advantages. It is not so clear what advantage large size has for trees other than ensuring access to solar radiation; because large size increases the food-and-water storage capacity of a tree, it may therefore impart ability to resist stress.

Many tropical trees exhibit intermittent height growth despite ever-moist and otherwise favourable growth conditions. In temperate trees there is a period of true dormancy in the fall. Chilling is required to overcome this true dormancy. After the chilling requirement is met (artificially, about one month at approximately 0 to 5 °C [32 to 41 °F]), the buds enter winter dormancy (quiescence). This type of dormancy is simply due to low temperature, and the buds can be induced to flush merely by taking them into a greenhouse. After bud set (i.e., bud formation) in July, the buds may be considered to be in summer dormancy, because they will normally not grow out until the following year. This scenario implies that hormones are the inhibiting factors. These buds may be induced to flush by defoliation or unusual weather patterns.

True dormancy is extremely difficult to break, but in some cases increasing both the length of day and the temperature with or without hormonal treatments can induce some degree of flushing. As the chilling process proceeds, the window of inducing conditions enlarges. It should be noted that these buds are dormant only in the sense that no internodal elongation takes place. Other types of biological activity, such as cell division and formation of primordia, may take place, depending on the species. Thus, bud dormancy is a dynamic interaction between growth promoters and growth inhibitors. In some cases, active buds may be induced into dormancy by application of hormone inhibitors and then reactivated by other hormones.

Some pine trees, especially in the tropics, exhibit a type of growth called foxtailing. This is primarily a plantation phenomenon wherein, after planting, the trees elongate continuously without producing any lateral branches. Several metres of branch-free bole may be produced, and then the tree may grow in a more normal pattern and may revert to foxtailing at various times. This is an ultimate expression of free growth. Species that exhibit this phenomenon include Pinus caribaea, P. canariensis, P. insularis, P. tropicalis, P. merkusii, P. palustris, P. echinata, P. elliottii, and P. taeda. The last four species constitute the southern yellow pines of the southeastern United States. The Monterey pine of California (P. radiata) also may foxtail in subtropical environments.

There are both genetic and environmental components involved in foxtailing; for example, a selected strain of Caribbean pine that was certified not to foxtail in Australia reportedly exhibited 80 percent foxtailing when grown in Puerto Rico. Foxtailing decreases with altitude, stand density, and soil quality. The cause is thought to be due to hormone imbalances induced by exotic environments. Some species or individuals are better able than others to adjust to this without foxtailing.

The advantages of foxtailing that have been reported are greater height growth, better stem form (i.e., straight with minimum taper), and greater dry matter production of more merchantable material. (Dry matter is the weight [mass] of plant material formed after it has been dried in an oven until it has reached constant weight.) Disadvantages have been reported to be lower stem stability resulting in greater wind damage, low seed production, lack of latewood, and more compression wood (see below Adaptations). Both decreases and increases in volume production have been reported.